Pingyao Ming and Qing Street
Ming and Qing street is the south street of Pingyao ancient city, one of the ancient culture heritages. It has been the important tour sight, refracting the gloss of the ancient culture brightly. The street is 750 meters long, collecting the shops over 100 with different sizes. Along the street stands old-timey doorcase. The moulage of track imprinted in the grace door-step proved that refulgence of Pingyao in the old times: the businesses from all the part of China driving gharry, carrying the bale and money, grinded deep track in the ground.
The age-old architecture along the street gathers all-embracing such as hockshop, medicine shop, meat shop, tobacconist, variety shop, silk shop and so on. Once, the small street brought up a large number of business person of outstanding ability, portraying the golden time of Chinese finance.
After the experience of hundreds of years, although more aged, its historical taste is more profound. Wandering on the street, you will understand one opinion deeply: In Pingyao, the history is melted in dwelling.
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