Kong Family Mansion in Qufu,Shandong
The Kong Family Mansion is also referred to as Yanshenggong Mansion, next to the temple of Confucius in Qufu City. The descendants of Confucius lived in the Kong Family Manison, a large mansion only inferior to Emperor’s Place of Ming and Qing Dynasty.
The layout of the mansion is traditionally Chinese. The compound’s buildings include of 463 halls, rooms, individual houses, etc.occupying about 13 hectares o land. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of the buildings is according to the seniority, gender, and status of their inhabitants, which reflects the Confucian principle of order and hierarchy. The most seniou descendant of Confucius took up residence in the central of the three main buildings; his younger brother occupied the Yi Gun hall to the east. The Kong Family’s leader was also the hereditary Duke of Yansheng. The mansion provides a glimpse into the past; 77 generations of Chinese nobility lived, and sometimes governed, from here. And the emperor visited regularly.
The name of each buildings deeply marked the Confucianism. “Yi Guan Hall (Persistent Hall)” “Zhong Shu Hall (Loyal and Forgive Hall)” “An Huai Hall ” not only praise the Confucius’s idea of faithful as well as contentment, but also show the imitated decision of the descendants
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