CRH Train ( D Train ) from Harbin to Beijing
Harbin Beijing CRH Train ScheduleD26: Leave Harbin at 15:38 and arrive in Beijing at 23:30
D25: Leave Beijing at 7:15 and arrive in Harbin at 15:19
Beijing Harbin Train Timetable
There are some through trains or trains stopping on routes running between Harbin and Beijing. For return train trip from Harbin to Beijing, I choose the daytime CRH train - D26 leaving Harbin at 15:38 and arriving in Beijing at 23:00.
D Train: D Train refers to "China Railway High-speed (CRH)" in English, a kind of China styled Bullet Train. This kind of train is the most modern and advanced train in China at present. The "D Train" of this kind is likened to "Multiple Unit"(MU) in English. It can reach 200-350km/h. Usually it offers the First class seat and Second class seat. It is clean and comfortable, and the inside of the train is quite different from the other trains. All the seats face the same way. There is a screen that shows how fast the train is going.
The main reason I choose the D Train rather than the overnight train Z16 is that I can have a nice sleep back home instead of sleeping on the moving train. But as a tourist, you may like the overnight train Z16 to save one night stay in Beijing.
Below is the Z train runing between Beijing and Harbin
Z15: Leave Beijing at 21:20 and arrive in Harbin at 7:04+1
Z16: Leave Harbin at 21:36 and arrive in Harbin at 7:20+1
If you take the D trains between Beijing and Harbin, you are kindly reminded of the following:
1) You are aware that you are going to sit there for 8 hours.
2) If you are a heavy smoker, you have to keep from the smoking temptation for 8 hours.
3) Take some traveling meals on board. Though it has a dinner car, it only offer very basic fast food.
4) If you are in hurry and have no time to get ready for your train food. No worry, frequently, a vendor will push a cart of snacks and cooked meal varieties as well as beer and some wine.
5) Unlike a traditional green train, no D train steward will remind you that the train is leaving. So please watch your time if you are smoking outside the train. The door will be automatically closed and the train will leave without any notice!
The entrance to the waiting for D trains
There is a special sign directing to the entrance to the waiting room for all the D trains starting from Harbin. The entrance is in the middle of the big Harbin Railway Station buiding. After lining up for having your bags X-rayed, you are in the hall. Then you enter the room with an electronic noticeboard showing your train number. before you go inside, the girl ticket collector will have your ticket checked.

The D Train in and out
The head of the train looks like a bullet, hence the bullet train.

The car door is automatic. Two buttons, green for opening and red for closing inside and outside the door.

There are two kinds of seats for most of the D Trains - first class and second class. The biggest difference between First Class and Second Class is the number of seats abreast in the carriage car. In the first class seat car, there are 4 soft seats abreast while 5 seats abreast in a second class car. So the first class seat is bigger and a little comfortable.

At the both ends of the car
Each car has a toilet and wash room at one end and a conductor room at the opposite end. Smoking is not allowed for the whole journey.

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