Anti-Japanese Museum

Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Museum is located in the side of Lu Gou Bridge in southwest Beijing. It was opened in the 50th Anniversary of the Break Out of Chinese

The Anti-Japanese Museum covers an area of 23,780 square meters with its total construction acreage of 10,190 square meters. It includes the sequence hall, east exhibition hall, west exhibition hall, semi-view painting hall and etc.
It houses 3800 photos and materials, and 5000 cultural relics. The comprehensive halls display the whole process of Anti-Japanese War. The specialized exhibition on Japanese army's atrocities includes the recovered scenes of notorious 731 bacteria army and Nanjing Massacre.
The exhibition on the people's war retrieves the grand scenes of the brave struggles and the movements to save the nation from extinction. Introductions to the famous Taierzhuang,

In the hall of heroes in anti-Japanese war, the brave stories of Yang Jingyu, Zhao Yiman, Zuo Quan, Peng Xuefeng, Zhang Zizhong, Tong Linge, and Zhao Dengyu are introduced. In the gallery, modern video-audio technologies are adopted to vividly simulate the battle field of July 7th Event.
Address: No.101, Wanpingcheng, Lugou Bridge, Fengtai District
Ticket Price: free
Opening Time: 09:00-16:30 (Tuesday-Sunday)
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