When you arrive at Beijing Capital Airport, just ignore anyone who is approaching to you for offering taxi service. Usually these touts charge you a ridiculous taxi rate of RMB 300-400 for the normal ride from Beijing airport to the city center of Beijing, which costs about RMB 100. Most of the black taxi drviers don’t use meters, or use fake meters, which is not allowed by legitimate and honest taxi companies. You have no way to find them or their taxi company if you want to make a complaint since all the receipts ( Fabiao ) are fake. You cannot find them.
So the best way to get an honest taxi driver is to go to the taxi queue at the airport. There are three terminals at Beijing Capital International Airport. Each terminal has its own taxi parking area for queueing. Both Terminal No.2 and 1 have their taxi waiting areas on the first floor in front of the airport building. The Terminal No.03 taxi waiting area is located outside the underground floor of the terminal. Your arrival hall is on the second floor. That means you have to take a lift to the underground floor, and go out of the building. Once outside, you will see the taxi terminal with one row of taxis waiting.