Today, Jan 21, 2012 is the coldest day in Beijing even since it has entered winter with today’s highest temperture -2 and lowest -12. Beijingers and visitors will be very lucky that Beijing enjoys good weather during the coming spring festival as below:
Beijing weather forecast for the week long Holiday for Chinese new year:
Jan 21: Sunny, highest – 2 ℃ and lowest -12℃
Jan 22: Sunny, highest -4 and lowest – 13℃
Jan 23: Sunny, highest -0 ℃ lowerst -10℃
Jan 24: Sunny. highest -1℃/ lowerest -11℃
an 25: Sunny and cloudy 1℃/ lowerest -10 ℃
Jan 27: Cloudy and sunny day 1℃/ lowerest -8℃
Jan 28: cloudy, highest 1℃ / lowest -8℃
Tomorrow (Jan 22) will be a little bit colder than today, so please well prepared for winter clothes when you out of something. Visit Beijing Climate for more information.
A “kangaroo” father and daughter braving the cold weather travel around Tiananmen Square
“Armed to teeth”, visiting Tiananmen Square