Though Beijing is well connected to other major cities in China by the most advanced high speed bullet trains in the world, to book a train ticket in Beijing is still a headache for many foreign visitors.
Compared with the train ticket booking experience, Beijing Train Tickets Booking is overshadowed in the following aspects:
1. No official or authoritative train tickets online booking websites
2. No self-service ticket booking at the train stations
3. Train tickets must be booked 10 or 12 days in advance. In addition, no one can garantee you can get your tickets no matter how long you book your tickets in advance.
4. Manual ticket checking and collecting
In London, taking trains has the same experience as those of other tools of transport like subway or public buses, all automatic and self controlled, unlike Beijing where securing a train ticket is simailar to winning a lottery.
Self-service ticket booking at Waterloo Station of London
Manual train ticket bookingAutomatic ticket checkingOn the platform of Waterloo Railway Station in London
Tip: Hassle-free Beijing Guided Tours
If you don’t want to go the do-it-yourself route and prefer the hassle-free escorted tours, here are some options for Beijing guided tours: