Dongzhimen Public Transport Hub

Situated in the northeastern Beijing city proper, Dongzhimen Public Transport Hub is one of the important transportation hubs in Beijing Transportation. The hub’s Chinese name is called “东直门交通枢纽”, which is often translated into different versions in English on the internet such as Dongzhimen Traffic Hub, Dongzhimen Transit Hub, Dongzhimen Transportation Hub, Dongzhimen Public Transit Hub,…

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Simatai Castle

Plan your Simatai Great Wall tour? On your way to Simatai Grea Wall or at the end of your hiking Simatai Great Wall,  you may go to visit  the relics of Simatai Castle (or Simatai Fortress 司马台城堡) for a few minutes to better understand the historical and military information on Simatai Great Wall. The Simatai Fortress was built during…

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Diaowo Village

Beijing village tour is an interesting eye-opener for first time visitors coming to Beijing. Diaowocun, or Diaowo Village is considered as one of the 10 most beautiful villages in Beijing. It is located in the Huangsongyu valley of Huangsongyu Town in northeast Pinggu District, Beijing. Diaowo Village is well known for its ancient folk culture and beautiful scenery, a combination of…

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