Top 10 Outdoor Barbecue Spots in Beijing

Are you looking for a great spot to have a barbecue grill during your Beijing tour? Yes, there’s nothing better than the sizzle of sausages, fish, chicken or porking cooking in the great outdoors. The popularity of BBQ grills has surged among Beijing urban residents as well as Beijing expats and international travelers. Cooking alfresco is one of the…

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Xiamen International Cruise Terminal

Plan your Xiamen Tour on your Cruise Tour to China? There are major 13 cruise terminals or cruise ports along the China’s coastline including Tianjin, Dalian, Qingdao, Jiangyin, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Sanya, Hong Kong, Taipei and Kaohsiung. All the destinations of these cruise terminals are full of tourist resources. The city of Xiamen is one of them and worth…

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