China Business Hours

Plan your China tour? It is advisable to have some basic knowledge of the working hours and business hours in China to better prepare for your trip. The Chinese government regulates that Chinese people work 8 hours a day with five working days a week and a maximum 44 working hours a week. In China, business hours are generally set between…

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How to Use the toilets in China

Plan your China tour? Are you thinking of how to use toilets in China? Siting or squatting? That is a question for many travelers. Squatting toilets are still quite popular in China. Though it may seem uncomfortable and rather too primitive, the squatting position helps you relax your puborectalis muscle and straightens your rectum, reducing the possibility…

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Our Third Office Potluck Lunch

Today is a big day for Why today? Because today we say goodbye to outsourced, routine and uniform lunches! Because today we have home-cooked dishes for our office lunch! Because today we recreate the taste of our mothers” meatballs! Let’me show you some of the home cooked recipes by our office staffers (most Post-1980’s Generation) who were born with a golden spoon in her/his…

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