The 10 Most Beautiful Museums in China

Generally people visit a museum with the purpose to see  its exhibits inside – looking at art, getting educated, having family bonding time and engaged in social network.  But in the last couple of years, museum buildings themselves have become art. There have been increasingly stunning museum architectural ventures cropping up all around China. Talented architects are competing to…

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10 Most Beautiful Grasslands in China

China is one of the countries with the richest grassland resources in the world, with a total grassland area of nearly 400 million hectares, extending from Inner Mongolia in the northeast China to Ningxia, Xinjiang, Gannan, Sichuan, Qinghai and Tibet in the Southwest China. But climate change, overgrazing and rural development have inflicted damage to some of the…

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Top 10 Travel Experiences in China

Plan your China tour? China is huge both in population and landmass. As a first time visitor to China, you will definitely experience some degree of culture shock in terms of landscapes, historical sites, culinary, etc. The following 10 top travel experiences in China are meticulously selected from the most remarkable experiences travel experiences by…

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Top 10 Attractions in Hunan

Plan your Hunan Tour? With Changsha (长沙) as its capital city, Hunan Province, literally “South of the Lake”, is situated south of Dongting Lake (the third largest fresh water lake in China), which is connected with Yangtze River in the north. Besides being the birthplace of Mao Zedong, Hunan has much to offer bestowed with…

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Diaowo Village

Beijing village tour is an interesting eye-opener for first time visitors coming to Beijing. Diaowocun, or Diaowo Village is considered as one of the 10 most beautiful villages in Beijing. It is located in the Huangsongyu valley of Huangsongyu Town in northeast Pinggu District, Beijing. Diaowo Village is well known for its ancient folk culture and beautiful scenery, a combination of…

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How to recognise Chinese currency

If you are planning your China tour, before you depart for China it is advisable that you have some basic knowledge on how to recognize Chinese currency and identify fake money as well. Basically there are five languages ​​on all China’s banknotes : Mandarin Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, and Zhuang. China’s legal tender is Renminbi (…

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