Visit Dehong for an Unforgettable Experience
Dehong Prefecture is located in the southwest of Yunnan Province bordering the Myanmar. This is one of the most exotic places in China which is famous for its natural beauty and the cultural affluence of the Dai and Jingpo communities. It is the gateway to the south of China and Southeast Asia. Programs which have included Dehong in their itinerary also include travel to the South Asian countries because of its proximity to the region. But this region also has abundant scenic landscapes and places of historical importance to lure the tourists.
Characteristics that Give Dehong its Unique Flavor
There are a few notable places in China that are home of the Dai community. Among them the Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture is one of the most famous ones. It is a prefecture that has further been subdivided into three counties and two cities that are adjudged as being at the level of the counties.
The prefecture borders Myanmar. This border is 313 miles in length. This makes this prefecture one of the most important points to gain entry into Southeast Asia and China to the south. However this is not the only reason that makes Dehong (as it is popularly called) a popular destination for students on summer internship or ones who are learning to speak Chinese in Yunnan or any other place in China. In fact it has attracted professional movie makers and tourists alike because of its picturesque beauty.
The natural beauty of the region is prominently rendered by the Ruili and Da’ying Rivers which have allowed the thriving flora and fauna, natural scenes and ethnic cultures to thrive. The prefecture houses a State Reserve Historic Relic of the Official Residential Site of Nandian Pacification Commissioner Chief in Lianghe County. The highlight is also in the exotic border tours which offer a magnificent glimpse into the nation beyond.

The residence site of the Nandian Pacification Commissioner Chief is the only building of a local official that has been preserved in totality since the Ming Dynasty. This was made for a commissioner who was sent by the Ming Dynasty to the region more than 400 years ago. Being a Han himself, along with the local Dai influence, led him change his name to Dao, which means sword in Chinese. The architecture of the building is the perfect combination of the Han and Dai communities.
However this is not the only attraction of this beautiful area. The Dai people in Dehong believe in Theravada Buddhism and there are stupas spread across the prefecture. However two of them are clearly unique. They are called The Tree-Wrapped-Stupa and the Stupa-Wrapped-Tree. As the name suggests, the former has a banyan tree wrapped around it and the latter has been built around a tree. It is believed that this has been a natural occurrence and not induced by disciples.

If one is visiting Yunnan for gap year jobs or Chinese language programs in February, the student will be able to attend the Munao Zongge Dance Festival which is the grandest celebration of the Jingpo Community that lasts for three days and falls on the 15th day of the first lunar calendar.

Dehong is an exhilarating place that has become exceedingly prominent on the itinerary of travelers who are visiting the country for a lesser duration. If one is visiting Yunnan on summer programs for high school students , Dehong should certainly feature on the travel itinerary.
Summary: Dehong, famous for its natural beauty, scenic landscapes and places of historical importance, is the gateway to the south of China and Southeastast Asia.