Chinese Dragon Dance
Performance of Dragon Dance – Chinese Folklore
The dragon dance is performed by a skilled team whose job is to bring the motionless body to life. The dragon itself is a long serpent shaped on poles, assembled by joining the series of hoops on each section and attaching the ornamental head and tail pieces at that ends.

Traditionally, dragons were constructed of wood, with bamboo hoops on the inside and covered with a rich fabric, however, in the modern era lighter materials such as aluminum and plastics have replaced the heavy material.
Dragons can be range in length from around 25 to 35 meters for the more acrobatic models, and up to 50 to 70 meters for the largest, parade and ceremonial styles, since part of the myth of the dragon is that “the longer the creature, the more luck it bring”. The size and length of a dragon depend on the human power available, financial strength, materials, skills and size of the field. Its length typically ranges from 9 sections to 15 sections long, though some dragons are as long as 46 sections.
The dragon moves in the a wave-like pattern achieved by the coordinated swinging of each section in succession, which rely not only on the skill of the individual member, but on concentration by the team as a whole to move in cooperation.
Dragon Culture of China – Chinese Folklore
Dragons exist in both of Eastern and Western culture. Dragon are deeply rooted in Chinese culture, so Chinese often consider themselves “the descendants of the dragon” as a sign of ethnic identity.
Nobody really knows where dragon comes from. Its physical form is a combination of many animals, including the horns of a stag, ears of a bull, eyes of a rabbit, claws of a tiger and the scales of a fish, all on a long serpent’s body.
With these traits, it was believed that dragons were amphibious with the ability to move on land, fly through the air and swim in the sea, bestowing them roles as governors of cloud and rain.
Dragons are believed to bring good luck to people, which is reflected in their qualities that include great power, dignity, fertility, wisdom and auspiciousness.
The appearance of a dragon is both frightening and bold but it has a benevolent disposition, and so eventually become an emblem to represent imperial authority.
Chinese emperors think they are the real dragons and he sons of the heaven. Thus the beds they sleep on are called the dragon beds, the throne called the dragon seat, and the emperor’s ceremonial dresses called the dragon robes. Also dragons can be seen on the buildings in the imperial palace.
Dragon dance is an important part of the Chinese culture and tradition. It has spread throughout China and to the whole world and become a special performance of arts in the Chinese physical activities. It symbolizes good luck and prosperity in the year to come for all the human beings on earth.
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