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National Geographic : Here are the best trips to take in 2020
By National Geographic Staff 国家地编辑理人员
The world awaits.Where will you go next? Our editors and explorers pick the planet’s 25 most exciting destinations for the year ahead. To create our annual Best Trips list we collaborated with the editorial teams of National Geographic Traveler’s 17 international editions and with our own globe-trotting experts to report on the essential and sustainable sites to see in 2020. Grab your bags and go!

A replica of the 16th-century Stari Most (Old Bridge) spans the Neretva River in Mostar, in the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Photograph by Andrew Compton, Alamy Stock Photo
1.Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
波黑(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那) 莫斯塔尔
翻译编辑备注: 莫斯塔尔(Mostar) 为波黑南部城市。在内雷特瓦河畔,东北距萨拉热窝约80公里。人口11万(1981)。建于十五世纪。铁路要站。工业有炼铝、烟草、纺织、食品加工和飞机制造等。有中世纪罗马建筑古迹。城南的波奇泰尔以伊斯兰建筑闻名。附近有铝土矿开采。(百度)
Why go now: Mark 25 years of peace
What to know: Partially destroyed during the Bosnian War (1992–1995), history-rich Mostar still bears scars of the past. Numerous buildings in the Old City, developed as a 15th-century Ottoman frontier town, have been rebuilt or restored in the 25 years since the Dayton Peace Accords established relative calm in the western Balkans. Wander around and you’ll pass newly renovated apartments next to buildings riddled with bullet holes. Local and international artists regularly decorate the abandoned structures with colorful murals. Mostar’s most tangible image of peace is the 16th-century Stari Most (Old Bridge), rebuilt in 2004. It connects the city’s predominantly Christian Croat west side with the mainly Muslim Bosniak east. —Barbera Bosma, managing editor, Nat Geo Travel Netherlands
背景知识:在波斯尼亚战争(1992-1995年)中部分被毁,历史悠久的莫斯塔尔城市仍然留有过去的创伤。自国联合调停在1995年12月签署了 《 岱顿协定 》 (Dayton Agreement)之后, 25年来 西巴尔干地区相对平静,这座15世纪奥斯曼边疆城镇古城中的许多建筑都得到了重建或修复。四处走走,你会经过新装修的公寓,紧邻旁边 满弹孔的历史建筑物。当地和国际艺术家定期用彩色壁画装饰废弃的建筑。莫斯塔尔城市最真实的和平形象是在2004年重建的16世纪斯塔里桥(旧桥)。它连接了该市以基督教为主的克罗地亚西部和以穆斯林为主的波斯尼亚东部。荷兰国家地理旅游总编辑 -Barbera Bosma, 。

When to go: May How to go: Visit Mostar as part of a 12-day Nat Geo Expeditions “Discover the Balkans” trip, offered in partnership with G Adventures.

Women of the Longhorn Miao tribe in Guizhou province, China, wear elaborate headdresses of linen and wool on special occasions.
Photograph by Stefano Cestari
2. Guizhou Province, China 中国贵州
Why go now: Step into villages almost untouched by time
What to know: Historically one of China’s most isolated and undiscovered provinces, southwestern Guizhou is gaining global notice as a cloud computing and big-data center. The mountainous region’s plentiful water and cool climate are draws for Apple, Huawei, and other tech powerhouses that have established or are building facilities in the provincial capital, Guiyang. This buzz around bytes has improved access to the entire province, including the traditional villages of ethnic minority groups, such as the Bouyei, Dong, and Miao. In eastern Guizhou’s indigenous villages, in particular, days unfold at a slow pace and people continue farming and textile traditions—such as spinning, embroidery, and batik—practiced since the sixth century. —Lu Yi, managing editor, Nat Geo Travel China
背景知识:从历史上看,中国西南部的贵州省是中国最孤立、最不为人知的省份之一。贵州作为一个云计算和大数据中心,它正受到全球的关注。 贵州山区丰富的水资源和凉爽的气候吸引了苹果、华为和其他高科技集团在省会贵阳建立或正在设立设施和机构科。这种围绕字节的嗡嗡声改善了对整个省份的交通,方便进入偏远的包括布依族、侗族和苗族等少数民族传统村落。特别是在贵州东部的土著村落,日子过得很慢,人们继续农耕和纺织传统,如纺纱、刺绣和蜡染,这些传统是从6世纪开始的。国家地理旅游中国区总编辑 -陆毅, 。

When to go: April–May How to go: The Guiyang–Guangzhou High-Speed Railway connects the megacity of Guangzhou (northwest of Hong Kong) with Guizhou province, including station stops in ethnic regions.
旅行指南 :贵阳-广州高速铁路连接广州(香港西北部)的特大城市与贵州省,包括沿途少数民族地区的车站。

Ice-covered trees, known as snow monsters, transform southern Tohoku’s Zao ski resort into a Japanese winter wonderland.
Photograph by The Asahi Shimbun, Getty Images
3. Tohoku, Japan 日本东北地方
翻译编辑备注:日本八个地理区域 -- 对于日本当地居民来说,日本被划为“八个地方”,本地常用的地理划分概念。依照各地因历史、文化、经济发展、交通建设等的不同而逐渐形成的当地居民意识,将日本全国划分为北海道、东北、关东、中部、近畿、中国、四国与九州等八个“地方”。(百度)
Why go now: Escape the Olympic crowds naturally
What to know: Less than three hours by train from Tokyo, home of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, Tohoku should get a gold medal for best unknown travel wonderland. Comprising the six northernmost prefectures on Japan’s main island of Honshu, this region features pristine forests, gorges and crater lakes, thousand-year-old temples and shrines, and venerable local festivals—yet less than 2 percent of international travelers come here. Walk the Michinoku Coastal Trail, which runs for 620 miles from Aomori to Fukushima. The latter was devastated by the 2011 tsunami, and the newly opened trail is a stirring symbol of the area’s rebirth. For skiers, Tohoku regularly records some of the planet’s heaviest snowfalls, and resorts such as Appi Kogen are exhilaratingly uncrowded.
背景知识:从2020年夏季奥运会举办地东京乘火车不到三个小时,即可到达日本的东北地方(Tohoku)。该地区应该能获得一枚最佳不为人知旅游仙境的金牌。东北地区由日本本州主岛最北的六个都道县组成,拥有原始森林、峡谷和火山口湖泊、千年古庙和神社,以及古老的当地节日,——但每年只有不到的2%国际旅客来这里。步行从青森到福岛的千里海岸小径,绵延 620 英里。后者在2011年的海啸中遭受重创,新开辟的小径是该地区重新恢复徒步的一个激动人心的象征。对于滑雪者来说,东北地区记录下几次地球上最大的降雪;而像阿皮科根这样的度假胜地不拥挤, 令人兴奋。

When to go: Year-round How to go: Base yourself at Koganezaki Furofushi Onsen, in Aomori, which offers 70 rooms and an open-air hot spring with views over the Sea of Japan.
最佳旅行时间: 全年适合旅行
旅行指南: 可以在青森市 (Aomori) 的黄金崎不老不死温泉旅馆 (Koganezaki Furofshi Onsen)下榻,这里提供70间客房和一个可以俯瞰日本海的露天温泉。

In the UNESCO World Heritage site of Hollókő, Hungary, locals mark Easter with Mass, a procession, and folk dances with girls wearing brightly colored traditional costumes. Photograph by Martin Zwick, Getty Images
4. National Blue Trail, Hungary 匈牙利国家蓝色步道。
Why go now: Take a hike on a lesser known European path
What to know: Despite its lack of soaring peaks (the highest is 3,327-foot Mount Kékes), Hungary is a dream hiking destination thanks to the country’s National Blue Trail. Meandering about 700 miles from Irottko Mountain, on the western border with Austria, to the northeastern village of Hollóháza near Slovakia, the Blue Trail (Kéktúra in Hungarian) is a wonderfully diverse web of paths labeled with white-and-blue-striped waymarkers. Originating in 1938 and recognized as Europe’s first long-distance trail, it’s part of the nearly 6,500-mile European long-distance walking route E4, which begins in Spain and ends (with ferry connections) in Cyprus. So, while you could use the Blue Trail as a launchpad for an epic, cross-Europe trek, Hungary’s historic route is best experienced as a singular destination. —Tamás Vitray, editor in chief, Nat Geo Travel Hungary
背景知识:尽管匈牙利没有高耸入云的山峰(最高的山峰是3327英尺的凯克斯山),但是匈牙利有一个理想的徒步旅行目的地 - 匈牙利国家蓝色步道(匈牙利语中的Kéktúra)蜿蜒从奥地利西部边境的伊洛特科山(Irottko Mountain)到斯洛伐克附近东北部的霍尔哈扎(Hollóhúza)村庄,全长约700英里,是一条由白色和蓝色条纹路标标记的网状步道。始发于1938年,被认为是欧洲第一条长距离步道。该蓝色步道也是欧洲近6500英里长距离步行路线E4近的一部分。 步行路线E4 起点在西班牙,终点(通过渡轮连接)在塞浦路斯。因此,虽然你可以把蓝色步道作为你探索这条史诗般的跨欧洲的步行路线E4的起点。当然,匈牙利这条古老的蓝色步道线最好作为单一的目的地来体验。匈牙利国家地理旅游总编辑 - 塔玛斯·维特里, 。

When to go: August–September How to go: Get a Blue Trail passport to earn stamps at checkpoints along the route. Collect all 147 stamps and receive a coveted Blue Trail Badge, or complete one of the three stretches awarding section-hike badges.
旅行指南 :在沿途检查站领取蓝道护照以获取邮票。收集所有147枚邮票,并获得梦寐以求的蓝色步道徽章,或完成三个延伸奖励远足徽章之一。

In Czechia, Telč’s main square is lined with pastel-hued Renaissance and baroque houses. Photograph by Kaprik, Alamy Stock Photo
5. Telč, Czechia 捷克泰尔奇小镇
翻译编辑备注: 泰尔奇,位于捷克的摩拉维亚东南部,靠近波希米亚边界,距离奥地利边境25公里。泰尔奇以其独特的泰尔奇历史中心而著称,同时泰尔奇也是世界文化遗产之一。 (百度)
Why go now: Be charmed by a fairytale setting
What to know: With resplendent Italian Renaissance architecture, it’s no wonder the southern Czechia (Czech Republic) town of Telč is sometimes called the Czech Florence. Positioned midway between Prague to the north and Vienna to the south, the storybook town got its official start in the 14th century as a crossroads on the well-trodden trading routes among Bohemia, Moravia, and Austria. Stone walls and a system of man-made fish ponds helped protect Telč’s historic town center, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The triangular marketplace is bordered by a rainbow of pastel-hued burgher houses, originally constructed from wood and rebuilt with stone after fire decimated the town in 1530. From the square, walk to the Telč Chateau. The former Gothic castle was transformed into a Renaissance jewel by nobleman Zachariáš of Hradec and his wife, Kateřina, whose Italianate taste inspired Telč’s ornate style. —Tomáš Tureček, editor in chief, Nat Geo Travel Czechia
背景知识:泰尔奇小镇拥有意大利文艺复兴时期璀璨夺目的建筑璀璨,难怪这个捷克南部小镇泰尔奇有时被称为捷克佛罗伦萨。 泰尔奇童话般的古城位于布拉格以北、维也纳以南的中间地带。古城14世纪正式起步,成为波希米亚、摩拉维亚和奥地利之间贸易路线的十字路口。石墙和人工鱼塘系统帮助保护了泰尔奇的历史城镇中心,该中心被列为联合国教科文组织的世界遗产。三角市场周围是五颜六色房子。这些最初是用木头建造的,1530年被大火摧毁后用石头重建的。从广场步行到泰尔奇城堡。这座哥特式城堡由赫拉德克的贵族扎查里亚什和他的妻子凯特伊娜(Kateřina)改造成文艺复兴时期的珠宝,她的意大利人品味激发了泰尔奇华丽的风格。捷克国家地理旅游总编辑 -TomššTureček, 。

When to go: May–September How to go: Tour the Telč castle to see the sumptuous stucco chapel, built about 1580, as the final resting place of Zachariáš and Kateřina.
旅行指南 :游览泰尔奇城堡,参观建于1580年左右的豪华灰泥教堂,撒迦利亚和凯瑟琳最后安息地

Harp seal pups are born on the ice and need a stable platform to survive. Sea ice coverage in the Gulf of St. Lawrence is getting less predictable every year. Photograph by Jennifer Hayes, National Geographic
竖琴海豹幼崽出生在冰上,需要一个稳定的平台才能生存。圣劳伦斯湾的海冰覆盖率每年都越来越不可预测。 竖琴海豹的名字来源于成年海豹背后出现的竖琴形状的纹路。竖琴海豹的平均寿命在30岁左右,身长约为1.7米,体重可达130公斤左右。 (国家地理)
6. Magdalen Islands, Canada 加拿大马格达伦群岛
Why go now: See a beautiful but diminishing world of ice—and the harp seals that depend on it
What to know: When you walk on sea ice, it’s easy to forget that there’s an ocean below you. This frozen world is stripped down to essentials: impossibly blue sky, bright sun bouncing off a blanket of fresh snow, wind that vibrates like a cello, whiteness all around. Welcome to the harp seal nursery in the Gulf of St. Lawrence off the Magdalen Islands, Quebec, one of three Northwest Atlantic harp seal pupping grounds. Adult seals migrate here from the Arctic, the pregnant females searching for suitable ice to birth on, and males follow, eager to mate. Harp seals are an ice-obligate species; they require a stable sea platform of ice for pups to survive. The pups are born on the ice in late February and early March. The young seals are one of the most captivating creatures on the planet, with obsidian eyes, charcoal nose, and cloud-soft fur.
背景知识:当你在海冰上行走时,很容易忘记在你的脚下有一片海洋。这个冰冻的世界有几个基本要素:无法言喻的蓝色天空,从一层鲜亮的白雪上反弹出来耀眼的太阳,像大提琴一样颤动的风,四周都是白色。欢迎来到魁北克马格达伦群岛附近圣劳伦斯湾的竖琴海豹孵育中心,这里是大西洋西北部三个竖琴海豹繁殖地之一。成年海豹从北极迁徙到这里,怀孕的雌性海豹寻找合适的冰层来产卵,雄性海豹紧随其后,渴望交配。竖琴海豹是一种专为冰而生的物种;它们需要一个稳定的海冰平台让幼崽生存。幼崽在2月底和3月初在冰上出生。竖琴海豹幼崽 是地球上最吸引人的生物之一,有黑曜石般的眼睛,炭黑的鼻子和像浮云般的皮毛。

When to go: February–March How to go: Liveaboard boat expeditions offer the luxury of time with the harp seals above and below the sea ice; Hotel Madelinot runs small-group excursions via helicopter.
旅行指南 :乘船 Liveaboard 探险旅行,体验在最佳时间观看提供竖琴海豹在海冰上和海冰下活动; 马德琳诺特城堡酒店 (Madelinot)酒店用直升机组织小团旅行。

The Twr Mawr Lighthouse in Anglesey is a scenic stop along the United Kingdom’s new North Wales Way. Photograph by Alan Novelli, Alamy Stock Photo
7. Wales Way, United Kingdom 英国威尔士之路
Why go now: Follow far-reaching routes that get the blood pumping
What to know: Three new, fully mapped national touring routes, collectively called the Wales Way, showcase the best of this legend-filled land. At 185 miles, the Cambrian Way is the longest of the three roads, snaking north to south along the backbone of Wales. Sandwiched between mountains and sea, the Coastal Way is a sweeping 180-mile journey around Cardigan Bay on the country’s west coast. The castle-rich North Wales Way follows a centuries-old trading route 75 miles from northeastern Queensferry to the Isle of Anglesey. Each driving itinerary is a gateway to wider outdoor adventures. Hike in Edmund Hillary’s footsteps on Mount Snowdon; inland surf at Adventure Parc Snowdonia; or go coasteering (a new adventure sport that combines rock climbing, cliff jumping, snorkeling, and more) on the Pembrokeshire coast. —Zane Henry, project editor, Nat Geo Travel U.K.
背景知识:三条全新的、经过全面规划的国家旅游线路,统称为威尔士徒步小道,展示了这片充满传奇色彩的土地。蜿蜒185英里,寒武纪小径是威尔士徒步小道三条中最长的,沿着威尔士的主干线从北向南蜿蜒而行,总长 185英里 。夹在山和海之间,威尔士海岸小径是全长180英里,围绕西海岸的卡迪根湾 。沿途有着很多城堡的北威尔士徒步小径沿着一条有着数百年历史的贸易路线,从昆斯费里东北部到安格尔西岛,长达75英里。每一次驾车旅行都是一个通往更广阔户外冒险的大门。沿着世界最著名的登山家埃德蒙·希拉里的足迹徒步斯诺登山;在斯诺多尼亚国家公园进行内陆岛冲浪;或在彭布罗克郡海岸国家公园 进行海岸探险(一项集攀岩、悬崖跳跃、浮潜等为一体的新冒险运动)。 国家地理英国旅游项目编辑赞恩·亨利。
When to go: May–June How to go: Dragon Tours offers private and group itineraries tailored to participants’ interests. Owner/guide Mike Davies holds a graduate degree in medieval Welsh history and can help trace clients’ Welsh ancestors.

Colossal statues of Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II guard the entrance to Abu Simbel’s main temple. Photograph by Dan Breckwoldt, Shutterstock
8. Abu Simbel, Egypt 埃及阿布辛贝尔神庙
Why go now: Enjoy a private audience with Ramses II
What to know: Tourism to Egypt is rebounding from its steep decline in the wake of the 2011 Arab Spring revolution. However, the feeling of having a destination to yourself still can be found at Abu Simbel, deep in the south of Egypt near its border with Sudan. Originally cut into a rock cliff by the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II (ca. 1303–ca. 1213 b.c.), the temples at Abu Simbel are at once archaeological treasures and marvels of modern engineering. Buried by sand for millennia, the towering landmarks were unearthed by archaeologists in 1813 and saved from the rising waters of Lake Nassar—the gigantic reservoir created by the damming of the mighty Nile at Aswan—by a monumental five-year relocation effort launched by the Egyptian government and UNESCO in 1960. Wander from one dimly lit chamber to another through the 98-foot-tall Great Temple, guarded by four gigantic figures of Ramses II. Stand awestruck in front of images of the pharaoh and Nefertari, his beloved queen, engraved on the walls more than 3,000 years ago. Take your time: Chances are few people will be jostling for your view. —Daphne Raz, editor in chief, Nat Geo Travel Israel
背景知识:2011年阿拉伯之春革命后,埃及旅游业正从急剧下滑中复苏。然而,你感觉到自己要去一个地方,那就是 位于埃及南部靠近苏丹边境的阿布辛贝 。阿布辛贝尔神庙最初在埃及法老拉美西斯二世(约公元前1303年-约公元前1213年)时期,由整块岩石峭壁切割而成的,这些神庙同时也是考古宝藏和现代工程的奇迹。在沙土掩埋了几千年, 这些高耸的地标被1813年被考古学家发掘出来。1960年,埃及政府和联合国教科文组织发起了一项为期五年的大规模搬迁工作,将这些神庙从纳萨尔湖上涨的湖水中拯救出来。纳萨尔湖是由尼罗河阿斯旺段河水形成的巨大水库。从一个光线昏暗的房间到另一个房间,穿过98英尺高的大寺庙。 阿布辛贝尔神庙由四个巨大的拉美西斯二世雕像守卫着。站在3000多年前刻在墙上的法老和他深爱的王后 奈菲尔塔利(Nefertari) 画像面前,你会感到敬畏。别着急,慢慢来:可能很少有人会跟你争着来看。以色列国家地理旅游总编辑 Daphne Raz。

When to go: February–March How to go: A good way to experience Abu Simbel is as part of a Nile cruise. Outfitters cruising the river include National Geographic Expeditions, Oberoi, and Abercrombie & Kent.
旅行指南 :体验阿布辛贝尔的一个好方法是参加尼罗河游轮之旅。尼罗河游轮供应商有国家地理考察、奥贝罗伊和阿伯克龙比&肯特旅游公司。

Visitors view the installation “Messages from the Atlantic Passage,” by South African artist Sue Williamson, at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, in Kochi, India, December 2018. Photograph by Atul Loke, Redux
2018年12月,在印度高知,游客在高知木齐里斯双年展上观看南非艺术家苏威廉姆森的装置 - “大西洋通道的信息”。
9. Fort Kochi, India 印度科钦堡
翻译编辑备注: 科钦堡是印度喀拉拉邦科钦市西部的一个滨水区域,毗邻麻坦切里。在殖民时代以前,科钦只是一个渔村。1503年,因为阿方索·德·阿尔布克尔克帮助土王击败了卡利卡特,土王将今天科钦堡一带滨水地区赠给葡萄牙人,以保护他们的商业利益。葡萄牙人在堡垒后面建立了居留地。他们还建立了一个木结构教堂,1516年重建为永久建筑,今天称为圣方济堂。葡萄牙拥有科钦堡160年。1683年荷兰人从葡萄牙人手中夺取科钦堡,摧毁了许多葡萄牙人机构,特别是天主教修道院。荷兰拥有科钦堡112年,直到1795年英国击败荷兰。外国对科钦堡的控制结束于1947年印度独立。该区混合葡萄牙,荷兰和英国殖民时期的所建的老房子。 (内容来自马蜂窝点评)
Why go now: Track artful trends in creative Kerala
What to know: The oldest European settlement in India is gaining notice as a buzzing new arts hub. Seaside Kochi, located in Kerala state on the southwestern Malabar Coast, was founded in 1500 by Portugal, first in a parade of colonial powers (Holland and England followed) to rule the tropical port city. This multilayered colonial past is most present in historic Fort Kochi, the waterfront district where several Dutch- and British-era properties house galleries and cafés. The four-month-long Kochi-Muziris Biennale is the largest event of its kind in South Asia. Launched in 2012, the biennale showcases contemporary international, Indian, and cross-cultural visual art and experiences, such as Singaporean-Indian artist and writer Shubibi Rao’s 2018 “The Pelagic Tracts,“ a multifaceted deep dive into a world where books are the most prized commodity. Rao is curator of the fifth biennale, set to run from December 12, 2020, to April 10, 2021. —Lakshmi Sankharan, editor, Nat Geo Travel India
背景知识:欧洲在印度最古老的殖民地作为一个新兴的艺术中心正在受到关注。靠海边的科钦市 ,位于印度喀拉拉邦马拉巴尔海岸西南部。最早由葡萄牙于1500年建立,殖民列强列队中的荷兰和英国紧随其后,先后统治这座热带港口城市。这种多层次的殖民历史在历史悠久的 科钦堡(Fort Kochi)最为常见。科奇堡位于海滨地区,拥有是几处荷兰和英国时代的建筑。这些建筑有些已经开辟成画廊和咖啡馆。长达四个月的科钦-穆吉里斯双年展是南亚同类活动中规模最大的一次。该双年展于2012年推出,展示当代国际、印度和跨文化的视觉艺术和体验,例如新加坡印度艺术家和作家Shubibi Rao的2018年《远洋地带》,这是一个多层面的深入世界,书籍是最珍贵的商品。 印度艺术家和作家拉奥是第五届双年展的策展人,定于2020年12月12日至2021年4月10日举行。印度国家地理旅游编辑 -Lakshmi Sankharan。

When to go: December–April How to go: Visit galleries and attend a performance of Kathakali, the classical dance drama of Kerala, on National Geographic’s seven-day “South India: Explore Kerala” trip.

A herd of several hundred elephants heads toward a watering hole in Chad’s Zakouma National Park. Photograph by Brent Stirton, National Geographic
10. Zakouma National Park, Chad 乍得扎库马国家公园
Why go now: Support an African elephant haven
What to know: Home to a rapidly growing African elephant population—some 559 in 2019 and a thousand expected by 2024—Zakouma National Park is an under-the-radar African safari destination. The park’s location, in southeastern Chad, one of the world’s least visited countries, makes Zakouma a best-kept secret—one worth sharing to help ensure its continued success. Poaching previously had rendered the park nearly a war zone, with 90 percent of the wild elephants killed. Funding from the European Union and the 2010 decision to transfer park management to the public-private conservation organization African Parks has brought back life to the region. In addition to its profusion of pachyderms, Zakouma is a playground for more than 10,000 buffalo and about 1,000 Kordofan giraffes. Among other wild things at home here are nearly 400 species of birds, as well as cheetahs, leopards, and servals. —Marina Conti, editor in chief, Nat Geo Travel Italy
背景知识:扎库马国家公园是非洲野一个受监控的生动物园,那里的非洲象数量在2019年迅速增长,约有559头,预计2024年将有1000头。该公园位于乍得东南部,是世界上游客最少的旅游目的地之一。这使得扎库玛成为一个最值得分享的秘密,有助于确保其持续成功。之前的偷猎活动使这个公园几乎变成了一个战区,90%的野生大象被杀死。欧盟的资助,2010年把公园管理权移交给公私合营保护组织“非洲公园”, 这些举措使该地区恢复了生机。除了丰富的厚皮动物外,札库玛还是10000多头水牛和1000多头科尔多凡长颈鹿的游乐场。这里的野生动物包括近400种鸟类,还有猎豹、豹子和家畜。意大利国家地理旅游总编辑 -Marina Conti,

When to go: March–April How to go: Stay at the eight-tent Camp Nomade, open mid-December to mid-April, or the more affordable Tinga Camp, a 20-rondavel (round hut) camp open mid-November to May.
旅行指南:入住8帐篷的Nomade 营地,12月中旬至4月中旬开放;或更实惠的Tinga营地,一个20 rondavel(圆形小屋)营地,11月中旬至5月开放。

Opened in 2014, Spruce Street Harbor Park is a successful emblem of the revitalization of Philadelphia’s Delaware riverfront, once a series of dilapidated piers. Photograph by Dina Litovsky, National Geographic
11. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 美国宾夕法尼亚州费城
Why go now: Rediscover an American classic
What to know: There’s a lot of glimmer in Philadelphia: vibrant murals and glinting metalworks, multihued mosaics and kaleidoscopic light installations, art collectives in garages, and a traditionally Italian neighborhood famous for cheesesteaks now sprouting vegan-punk-metal coffeehouses. Think of Detroit, Cleveland, and Cincinnati: resurgent, postindustrial American cities that are channeling creative forces to reinvent themselves for a new generation. Philly is like this but better. It’s a scrappy underdog with a heart of gold and—who can resist the Rocky reference?—the eye of the tiger. Slowly but steadily Philly has changed from a city of industrial might in the first half of the past century to a city of ingenious makers. The evidence is everywhere, from buzzing BOK—a South Philly collective of small businesses and art spaces—to Bela Shehu’s chic and cutting-edge fashion line NinoBrand, in Rittenhouse Square.
背景知识:费城有很多闪光点:充满活力的壁画和闪烁的金属制品、多色调马赛克和万花筒般的灯光装置、车库里的艺术收藏;以及一个传统的意大利社区,这里以 芝士三明治而闻名,现在正在兴起素食朋克金属感的咖啡馆。想想底特律、克利夫兰和辛辛那提:复苏的、后工业时代的美国城市,它们正在引导创意力量,为新一代重塑自己。费城也是这样的,但更好。费城从上个世纪上半叶一座工业强盛的城市,慢慢而稳步地转变为一座制造精巧的城市。变化随处可见,从费城南部的小型企业和艺术空间聚集地BOK到里滕豪斯广场上著名设计师Bela Shehu创立的别致、前沿的尼诺时装品牌NinoBrand。

When to go: Year-round How to go: Base yourself at The Rittenhouse for old-school Philadelphia glamour or the new Notary Hotel, then head out to quirky culture spots the Mütter Museum and the Edgar Allan Poe House.
旅行指南:您可以下榻经典老派的里滕豪斯酒店或新潮的费城市中心万怡酒店 榻,然后前往奇特的文化景点马特博物馆和埃德加·爱伦·坡旧居博物馆。

In Mexico, Puebla’s 17th-century Chapel of the Rosary is covered in 23-karat gold leaf. Photograph by Anton Ivanov, Alamy Stock Photo
12. Puebla, Mexico 墨西哥历史名城 普埃布拉
Why go now: Because baroque is back!
What to know: Built by the Spanish in 1531, Mexico’s fourth-largest city is a bastion of baroque architecture. Puebla’s 100-block city center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, teems with ornate 17th- and 18th-century buildings. Many are adorned with Talavera tiles: brightly painted clay mini-masterpieces blending Puebla’s indigenous and European colonial influences. Few match the opulence of the Church of Santo Domingo’s Capilla del Rosario (above), which is bathed in 23-karat gold leaf. With the goal of celebrating this art movement, the International Museum of the Baroque opened in 2016. The following year a 7.1-magnitude earthquake shook the building but didn’t deter it from its mission. The post-quake period has seen infrastructure upgrades and new hotels throughout the city. Yet Puebla remains rooted in tradition. “Puebla is not an international tourist destination,” says Antonio Prado, director of the Spanish Institute of Puebla. “So you actually get to experience an authentic Mexican city.”
背景知识:普埃布拉是由西班牙在1531建造的,目前是墨西哥第四大城市,被誉为巴洛克建筑的堡垒。普埃布拉市中心的 100个街区被评为联合国教科文组织的世界遗产,这些到处都是17世纪和18世纪的华丽建筑。许多建筑都用塔拉韦拉瓷砖来装饰:色彩鲜艳的粘土微缩作品是融合了普埃布拉的本土和欧洲殖民地影响的杰作。圣多明各教堂(上图)沐浴在23克拉的金叶中,能与之媲美的很少。为了庆祝这场艺术运动,巴洛克国际博物馆于2016年开幕。第二年,7.1级地震震动了这座建筑,但并没有阻止它完成使命。地震后,整个城市的基础设施都在升级,酒店也在新建。然而普埃布拉仍然根植于传统。西班牙普埃布拉研究所所长安东尼奥·普拉多说:“普埃布拉不是国际旅游目的地。“所以你真的可以体验到一个真正的墨西哥城市。”

When to go: Year-round How to go: Begin an individual Spanish-language immersion program (1 to 16 weeks) any Monday of the year at the Spanish Institute of Puebla.

Inside !Ae!Hai Kalahari Heritage Park, among the world’s darkest places, visitors can stay at the 12-chalet !Xaus Lodge and use telescopes on the open deck to observe the Southern Cross and other night-sky wonders. Photograph by Melanie Van Zyl
进入公园了!卡拉哈里遗产公园( Ae!Hai Kalahari Heritage Park )是世界上最黑暗的地方之一,游客可以住在12个小木屋的赛尔斯度假村里,在露天甲板上使用望远镜观察南十字和其他夜空奇观。梅兰妮·范·齐尔摄。
13. Kalahari Desert, Southern Africa 非洲南部卡拉哈里沙漠
Why go now: Count the stars in one of the darkest spots on the planet
What to know: One of only a few International Dark Sky Sanctuaries, the vast 120,000-acre !Ae!Hai Kalahari Heritage Park is among the world’s darkest places. Distances in this remote border region between South Africa and Botswana are measured in dunes. Year-round stable temperatures, extremely low humidity, virtually zero light- or sound-pollution, and lack of cloud cover make the park—which scored an almost perfect 21.9 on the SQM (sky quality meter) scale of darkness—one of the planet’s best stargazing destinations. Stay inside the park at the 12-chalet !Xaus Lodge, staffed and co-owned by the ‡Khomani San and Mier communities. Use the telescope on the open deck to observe the Southern Cross and other night-sky sights unique to the Southern Hemisphere. —Ana Hogas, Nat Geo Travel Romania
背景知识:这里是仅有的几个国际黑暗天空保护区之一,占地12万英亩!卡拉哈里遗产公园是世界上最黑暗的地方之一。南非和博茨瓦纳之间偏远边境地区的距离是用沙丘来测量的。全年稳定的温度、极低的湿度、几乎零光或声污染、以及缺乏云层覆盖,使得这个在平方米(天空质量计)黑暗范围内得分接近完美的21.9分的公园成为这个星球上最佳的观星目的地之一。呆在由‡Khomani San和Mier社区共同经营管理拥有 12个小木屋的赛尔斯度假村,使用露天甲板上的望远镜观察南十字和南半球特有的其他夜空景象。国家地理旅游罗马尼亚 -安娜·霍加斯。

When to go: August–September How to go: Spend two nights at !Xaus Lodge on Imagine Africa’s 14-night “Off the Beaten Track South Africa” trip.
旅行指南:参加为期14晚的印象 “非常规南非之旅”,并在赛尔斯度假村住2晚。

The view from Lipan Point is worth the short detour off the main drive along the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. Photograph by Adam Schallau
大峡谷的利帕观景台是观赏大峡谷全景和日落的好地方。值得沿着大峡谷国家公园南缘的主干道,再走一小段弯路,即可到达利帕观景 。亚当·夏劳摄。
14. Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷国家公园( 科罗拉多大峡谷 )
Why go now: See a geological wonderland eons in the making
What to know: “The grandeur of the canyon confers dignity on every form of life that touches it,” wrote famed environmentalist Edward Abbey in the inaugural issue of Traveler, in 1984. Since its designation as a national park—the Grand Canyon celebrated its centennial in 2019—this natural wonder in northwest Arizona has dazzled visitors with its immense scale (277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and a mile deep) and breathtakingly stratified geology that dates back to 1.8 billion years ago. The explorer John Wesley Powell, one of National Geographic’s founders, called the canyon “the most sublime spectacle on Earth.” Experienced hikers love the Nankoweap Trail, a dramatic North Rim-to-river route. But all views are unforgettable, from both rims down to the Colorado River. Learn more in the National Geographic Atlas of National Parks.
背景知识:著名的环境保护主义者爱德华艾比在1984年的《旅行者》创刊号中写道: 峡谷的壮丽赋予了触及它的每一种生命形式尊严。2019年国家大峡谷公园庆祝了它的百年诞辰。这座位于亚利桑那州西北部的自然奇观以其巨大的规模(277英里长,18英里宽,1英里深)和惊人的分层地质(可追溯到18亿年前)让游客目不暇接。国家地理的创始人之一,探险家约翰·韦斯利·鲍威尔称峡谷为“地球上最壮丽的景观”。有经验的徒步旅行者喜欢南科威普小道 (Nankoweap Trail), 这是一条引人注目的北缘到河流的路线。但所有的风景都是难忘的,从两个边缘到科罗拉多河。在国家公园的国家地理地图集上了解更多。

When to go: September–October How to go: National Geographic offers several trips that visit U.S. parks, including the “Grand Canyon, Bryce, and Zion National Parks” trip.

The Maldives is home to one of the largest known populations of reef mantas in the world. Photograph by Doug Perrine, Nature Picture Library
马尔代夫是全世界已知的最大的蝠鲼种群聚居地, 。自然图片库道格·佩林摄
15. Maldives 马尔代夫
Why go now: Explore forward-thinking islands on the front lines of climate change
What to know: The first nation to champion the need to address climate change in the United Nations General Assembly, in 1987, the Maldives is an environmental protection trailblazer. For the idyllic, 1,200-island archipelago in the Indian Ocean, forward-thinking sustainability initiatives—such as the effort to be carbon neutral by 2020—are a matter of survival. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, much of the Maldives—which is the lowest-lying country on the planet (average elevation: five feet) and whose territory is about 99 percent water—could disappear in decades due to rising sea levels caused by global warming. The 540-square-mile UNESCO Baa Atoll Biosphere Reserve helps protect the Maldives’ fragile coral reefs, which support a high diversity of coral, fish, and bird species, as well as sea turtles, whale sharks, and other marine life. —Marie-Amélie Carpio, senior editor, Nat Geo Travel France
背景知识: 马尔代夫是一个环境保护的开拓者 。在1987年,马尔代夫是第一个在联合国大会上提出需要应对气候变化的国家。对于这个位于印度洋并拥有1200个岛屿田园诗般的群岛国家来说,前瞻性的可持续发展倡议,例如到2020年实现碳中和的努力,是一个生存问题。马尔代夫是地球上地势最低的国家(平均海拔:5英尺),水域的面积约占国土面积的99%。 据政府间气候变化专门委员会称,由于全球变暖导致海平面上升,马尔代夫大部分地区可能在几十年内消失。联合国教科文组织巴阿环礁生物圈保护区占地540平方英里,有助于保护马尔代夫脆弱的珊瑚礁。这些珊瑚礁维持高度多样性的珊瑚、鱼类、鸟类以及海龟、鲸鲨和其他海洋生物。法国国家地理旅游局高级编辑 - Marie Amélie Carpio。

When to go: February–March How to go: Environmental protection practices are common at many of the Maldives’ resorts, including Soneva Fushi, which recycles 90 percent of its waste; Soneva Jani, built entirely with sustainable materials; and St. Regis Maldives Vommuli, which helps regenerate reefs.
旅行指南:在马尔代夫的许多度假胜地,环境保护的做法都到处可见,包括索尼娃芙西度假村( Soneva Fushi ) ,它回收了90%的垃圾;索尼娃·贾尼度假村( Soneva Jani ),完全用可持续材料建造; 马尔代夫沃木里瑞吉思度假村 ( St. Regis Maldives Vommuli ),它帮助珊瑚礁再生。
16. Tasmania, Australia 澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚岛(州)
Why go now: Venture to an epic isle that’s wild and beautiful, faraway yet familiar
What to know: Once considered a backwater, Tasmania is now one of Australia’s fastest-growing tourism destinations. Key to the appeal of Australia’s southernmost state is its raw natural beauty, which it owes largely to a combination of its remoteness (airport expansion plans are under way, but international flights are still a few years off) and the enduring green spirit of its half million or so residents. Swathed in 2,000-year-old trees and home to real-life devils (and even “tigers,” if you believe the rumors that the officially extinct thylacine lives on), it’s the stuff outdoor adventures are made of. After making the trek here, visitors find that most of Tassie’s attractions are surprisingly accessible. It takes just four hours to drive the length of the state. No matter where you base yourself, opportunities to become immersed in nature are never far away—nearly half the state is designated national park, after all. —Nat Geo Travel Korea
When to go: September–May How to go: National Geographic offers a 12-day “Australia: Tasmania to the Great Barrier Reef” itinerary that includes Hobart, Mount Field National Park, and Cradle Mountain–Lake St. Clair National Park.
背景知识:塔斯马尼亚曾经被认为是一个死水区,现在是澳大利亚增长最快的旅游目的地之一。澳大利亚最南端州的吸引力关键在于其原始的自然风光,这主要归功于它的偏远(机场扩建计划正在进行,但国际航班还有几年的时间)和50万左右居民持久的绿色精神。 塔斯马尼亚被2000年前的树木覆盖着,是现实生活中魔鬼的家园( 甚至是“老虎”,如果你相信官方已经绝种的塔斯马尼亚袋狼( thylacine )还活着的传言),这就是户外冒险的组成部分。在这里跋涉之后,游客们发现塔斯马尼亚的大部分景点的交通都出人意料地方便,容易到达。只需四个小时就可以完成整个州的交通。无论你走到哪里,你总是有机会沉浸在大自然之中,毕竟该州近一半是国家公园。韩国国家地理旅游。

When to go: September–May How to go: National Geographic offers a 12-day “Australia: Tasmania to the Great Barrier Reef” itinerary that includes Hobart, Mount Field National Park, and Cradle Mountain–Lake St. Clair National Park.

In Spain, locals gather around Gijón’s old port where local sidra—cider—is poured into a glass from up high, the Asturian way, a maneuver intended to create froth and open up flavors. Photograph by Chiara Goia
17. Asturias, Spain 西班牙阿斯图里亚斯自治区
Why go now: Relish an Iberian province capped with snowy summits and steeped in tradition
为什么现在就去:享受一个伊比利亚半岛的一个的省,那里有白雪覆盖的山顶和 丰富的历史传统。
What to know: An autonomous region of Spain, Asturias lies along the Bay of Biscay, dense with trees that run up hillsides, dotted by wild marshland, and scalloped with tidy beaches. “Nowhere else in Spain can you find so many flavors, such incredible variety, in such a small area. It is like an entire country,” says José Antelo, an air traffic controller based in Barcelona. He comes to Asturias three or four times a year to enjoy the province’s celebrated cuisine, from Cabrales cheese to cider (poured from on high into a glass, a maneuver intended to create froth and open up flavors). The Asturian capital of Oviedo is a compact city of roughly 220,000 separated from the larger city of Gijón by rapidly encroaching suburbs. Oviedo has the better museums, Gijón has the beach. After the cities, head to the Picos de Europa (Peaks of Europe) National Park, with its spiky summits and herds of sheep. Up here, trees fall away, and the view opens to a wide sky of cotton ball clouds.
背景知识:阿斯图里亚斯是西班牙的一个自治区,位于比斯开湾沿岸,山坡上密密麻麻地长满树,点缀着荒野的沼泽地,还有整齐的海滩。“在西班牙,没有其它地方能在这么小的地方找到这么多的风味,令人难以置信!。它就像一个完整的国家。”总部设在巴塞罗那的空中交通管制人员何塞·安泰洛说。他每年来阿斯图里亚斯三四次,品尝该省著名的美食,从卷心菜奶酪到苹果酒(从高处倒进玻璃杯,这是一种旨在制造泡沫口味大开的手法)。首府奥维耶多是一座紧凑型城市,约有22万人口,与较大的海港城市希洪分离,而希洪城市建设正在迅速扩展到郊区。奥维耶多有更好的博物馆, 希洪有海滩。离开城市,前往 西班牙第一家国家公园——欧洲之尖国家公园 ,那里有尖尖的山峰和成群的绵羊。在这里,树木凋零,视野向广阔,眼前漂浮着棉花球般的白云。

When to go: May–September How to go: A network of trails covers the region, headlined by the Camino del Norte, the quieter branch of Spain’s famous Camino de Santiago.
旅行指南:四通八达网状般的徒步小径网络覆盖了整个地区,其中最有名的是圣地亚哥朝圣之路北线, 是圣地亚哥朝圣之路一段更安静的徒步道。

Much of the massive Göbekli Tepe archaeological site, in Turkey, remains a mystery. These pillars, dating from about 11,600 years ago, may represent priestly dancers. Photograph by Vincent J. Musi, Nat Geo Image Collection
18. Göbekli Tepe, Turkey 土耳其哥贝克力遗址(石阵 )
Why go now: Feel your paradigms shift at the world’s oldest known temple complex
What to know: Built about 11,600 years ago, the monumental limestone pillars at Göbekli Tepe, or Potbelly Hill, have been hiding in plain sight for millennia. Excavation of the megaliths only began in the mid-1990s. The archaeological site is located in southeastern Turkey, at the northern edge of the Fertile Crescent region that nurtured early civilizations. What has been revealed—primarily circles and rectangles of massive stones decorated with bas-reliefs of boars, foxes, and gazelles—comprise the world’s oldest known temple complex. The extraordinary discoveries made here have rewritten the story of how the first civilizations began. Contrary to the long-held belief that the world’s earliest permanent settlements developed due to agriculture, Göbekli Tepe suggests that the impetus was a desire for a place of worship. Researchers theorize that it was built by hunter-gatherers as a regional meeting point and that agriculture was born out of the need to feed all the people involved in the unprecedented construction effort. —Kemal Gözegir, assistant editor, Nat Geo Travel Turkey
背景知识:这些在哥贝克力或大肚山的石灰岩石柱建于约11600年前,因此已经隐藏了几千年了。这些巨石的发掘始于20世纪90年代中期,考古遗址位于土耳其东南部,在孕育早期文明的肥沃新月地区的北部边缘。这座世界上最古老的寺庙建筑群主要由圆形和长方形的巨石组成,这些巨石上装饰着野猪、狐狸和瞪羚的浅浮雕。这里的非凡发现改写了第一代文明起源的故事。与长期以来认为世界上最早的永久性定居点是由农业发展而来的观点相反,哥贝克力遗址说明古人对礼拜场所的渴望激励他们去建造永久定居点。研究人员推测,它是由狩猎采集者作为一个本地区的集合点建造的,农业的诞生是为了满足所有参与空前建设的人们的需要。土耳其国家地理旅游助理编辑 -Kemal Gózegir。
When to go: March–May How to go: Before visiting Göbekli Tepe, tour the nearby Şanlıurfa Archaeology and Mosaic Museum to see a replica of the temple and artifacts from the site.


The Andes form a backdrop for grape vines in Mendoza’s Uco Valley, which produces award-winning Malbec. Photograph by David Noton Photography, Alamy Stock Photo
19. Mendoza Province, Argentina 阿根廷门多萨省
Why go now: Drink a mighty Malbec and delve into the roots of its flavor
What to know: With bodegas (wine cellars) backed by the snowcapped Andes and the world’s best Malbec, Argentina’s Mendoza province is a spectacularly scenic place to tour vineyards and satisfy the palate. Copious sunshine, bone-dry climate, and a high altitude (nearing 4,000 feet at some vineyards) nourish Mendoza’s award-winning Malbec and other varietals, such as Torrontés, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot. The province’s three main wine regions—Maipú, Lujan de Cuyo, and Uco Valley—are strung along Argentina’s epic Ruta 40 (one of the longest highways in the world), within 75 miles of Mendoza’s eponymous capital city. The Spanish introduced grapes here in the 16th century, and some wineries are more than a century old. Yet it’s the locals’ warmth and their passion for winemaking that set Mendoza apart from other global wine capitals.
背景知识:有白雪覆盖的安第斯山脉和世界上最好的马尔贝克葡萄酒和酒窖, 阿根廷门多萨省是游览葡萄园和满足味觉的绝佳风景区。充足的阳光、干燥的气候和高海拔(在一些葡萄园接近4000英尺)滋养了门多萨获奖的马尔贝克和其他品种,如托伦特、卡本妮苏维翁( 赤霞珠 )和梅洛。沿着阿根廷史诗般的阿根廷40号公路(世界上最长的高速公路之一)分布着该省的三个主要葡萄酒产区麦伊普、 卢汉德库约和乌克山谷 (优克谷 ) ,距离门多萨的同名首都仅75英里。西班牙人在16世纪把葡萄引进这里,一些酿酒厂已有一个多世纪的历史。然而,正是当地人的热情和对酿酒的热情,使门多萨与其他全球葡萄酒之都脱颖而出。

When to go: March–April How to go: Visit wineries in two Mendoza regions on the day-long “Taste of Lujan and Maipú” small-group experience with Ampora Wine Tours.

A Kamchatka brown bear searches for salmon in the Russian peninsula’s Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Photograph by Igor Shpilenok, Nature Picture Library
一只堪察加棕熊在俄罗斯半岛的克罗诺茨基自然保护区寻找鲑鱼。自然图片库Igor Spilenok摄
20. Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia 俄罗斯堪察加半岛
Why go now: Jump through the Ring of Fire
What to know: No roads link the rest of Russia to the Kamchatka Peninsula, the vast, thumb-shaped tail of the Russian Far East. Extending into the sea between the Japanese and Aleutian archipelagoes, 776-mile-long Kamchatka is part of the Ring of Fire, the chain of volcanoes and seismically active sites outlining the Pacific Ocean. Due to the incredible density and diversity of volcanoes, geothermal features, and wildlife found here, six separate areas of the peninsula are included within the Volcanoes of Kamchatka World Heritage site. Teeming with wildlife—including brown bears weighing up to 1,500 pounds or more—Kamchatka is an untamed, primordial place that, until recent years, was visited only by ardent adventurers. Now, thanks to an ongoing airport expansion project in the peninsula’s capital city and gateway, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, it’s somewhat easier to make the trek to Russia’s wild east. Getting around is more doable too with adventure outfitters, such as 56th Parallel and Explore Kamchatka, offering an increasing number of tours: volcano hikes, bear-viewing treks, heli-skiing, river rafting, and visits to tundra reindeer camps and the awe-inspiring Valley of the Geysers. —Ivan Vasin, editor in chief, Nat Geo Travel Russia
背景知识:没有道路将俄罗斯其他地区与堪察加半岛相连,堪察加半岛是俄罗斯远东地区一个广阔的尾巴,形状犹如巨大的拇指 。堪察加半岛绵延至日本和阿留申群岛之间的海域,全长776英里,是环太平洋火山带 、火山链和地震活跃区的一部分,勾勒出太平洋的轮廓。由于在这里发现了令人难以置信的火山密度和多样性、地热特征和野生动物,半岛的六个独立区域被列入堪察加世界遗产地的火山。堪察加半岛上野生动物很多,包括体重达1500磅或以上的棕熊,这是一个未开化的原始地方,直到最近几年,只有热情的冒险家才会来这里。现在,由于半岛首府和门户城市彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克堪察加斯基(Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)正在进行的机场扩建项目,前往俄罗斯荒芜的东部的跋涉要容易一些。探险装备公司(如56号平行线和勘察勘察堪察加半岛)也可以提供更多的旅行:火山徒步旅行、观熊旅行、直升机滑雪、河流漂流、参观苔原驯鹿营地和令人敬畏的间歇泉山谷。俄罗斯国家地理旅游总编辑 -Ivan Vasin。

When to go: August–September How to go: Nat Geo Expeditions offers the “Across the Bering Sea: From Katmai to Kamchatka” cruise.
旅行指南:国家地理考察队提供“横渡白令海:从特迈国家公园 到堪察加”的游轮之旅。

The Temple of the Great Jaguar towers over the main plaza of the ancient Maya city of Tikal, in Guatemala. Photograph by Simon Dannhauer, Getty Images
21. Guatemala 危地马拉
Why go now: Meet the Maya—past and present
What to know: A treasure map created using revolutionary laser technology is leading to discoveries under the jungle canopy of the Maya Biosphere Reserve in northern Guatemala. Armed with information gathered via the Pacunam Lidar Initiative, an 800-square-mile aerial survey, archaeologists are finding long-hidden pyramids, watchtowers, and other ruins of an extensive pre-Columbian civilization considerably more complex than most Maya experts realized. While not yet accessible to the public, the latest discoveries confirm that Guatemala is the place to dive into Maya culture, then and now. Ancient roots run particularly deep in the northernmost Petén region, the jungle-cloaked heart of the Maya world. See the stone jewels of Central America’s pre-Hispanic past in Uaxactún, Yaxhá, El Mirador, and Tikal National Park. In modern, multicultural Guatemala, Maya descendants constitute more than half the population, making the country the only one in Central America with an indigenous cultural majority. Experience this culture in the Tz’utujil Maya villages around Lake Atitlán. —Erick Pinedo, editorial coordinator, Nat Geo Travel Latin America
背景知识:在危地马拉北部玛雅生物圈保护区(Maya Biosphere Reserve)的丛林冠层下,使用革命性激光技术正在绘制一幅藏宝图,并产生越来越多的新发现。借助于帕库纳姆激光雷达计划 (Pacunam Lidar Initiative)收集的信息,一项800平方英里的航测,考古学家发现了隐藏已久的金字塔、望塔和其他广泛的前哥伦布文明的遗迹,这些遗迹远比大多数玛雅专家意识到的要复杂得多。虽然目前还不能向公众开放,但最新的发现证实,危地马拉是深入研究玛雅文化的地方。古老的树根在最北端的佩滕地区尤为深邃,那里是笼罩着玛雅世界中心的丛林。在瓦夏克通 、Yaxhú、 埃尔米拉多尔和蒂卡尔国家公园,你可以看到中美洲前西班牙裔时期的宝石。在现代多元文化的危地马拉,玛雅后裔占人口的一半以上,使该国成为中美洲唯一一个土著文化占多数的国家。在阿蒂特兰湖周围的苏杜旭族 玛雅村庄体验这种文化。国家地理旅游拉丁美洲编辑协调员 - Erick Pinedo 。

When to go: November–December How to go: Tz’utujil Maya artisans lead tours, conduct workshops, and sell textiles, leather products, and yarns offered by Lake Atitlán-based Ethical Fashion Guatemala.
旅行指南: 苏杜旭族玛雅工匠带领参观,举办研讨会,并销售 阿蒂特兰湖提供的纺织品、皮革制品和纱线,该旅行由阿蒂特兰湖本地的危地马拉道德时尚公司安排。

A master grader at Italy’s Parmigiano-Reggiano Consortium tests the quality of a wheel of Parma’s famed cheese. Photograph by Ainara Garcia, Alamy Stock Photo
22. Parma, Italy 意大利帕尔马
Why go now: Savor a multisensory feast
What to know: Parma’s gifts to the world include “king of cheeses” Parmigiano-Reggiano, the operas of Giuseppe Verdi, and the ”Assumption of the Virgin” masterwork by High Renaissance painter Correggio. The surrounding Emilia-Romagna region produces a bounty of DOP, or protected origin, foods, such as Parma ham, balsamic vinegar of Modena, and sparkling Lambrusco wines. So no one would be surprised to learn that this northern Italian city has been named Italian Capital of Culture 2020. Plans call for special programs in local venues, including the Labirinto della Masone, home to a bamboo maze billed as the world’s largest, and the sprawling Palazzo della Pilotta, an unfinished 16th-century complex which houses Parma’s premier art museum, Galleria Nazionale.
背景知识:帕尔马给世界的礼物包括意大利“奶酪之王”的帕尔马雷吉亚诺(Parmigiano Reggiano) 、朱塞佩·威尔第的歌剧和文艺复兴时期著名画家科雷乔 的杰作《处男》。周围的埃米利娅罗曼尼亚地区出产大量的DOP,或是受保护的食物,如帕尔玛火腿、摩德纳香醋和起泡兰布拉斯科葡萄酒。因此,没有人会惊讶地得知这座意大利北部城市被命名为2020年意大利文化之都。计划要求在当地举办特别活动,包括世界上最大的竹迷宫所在地梅森迷宫 (Labirinto della Masone)和占地面积庞大的帕尔玛皮洛塔宫(Palazzo della Pilotta),这是一座未完工的16世纪建筑群,帕尔马国家美术馆(Galleria Nazionale)就坐落在这里。

When to go: April–May How to go: Learn how to prepare a full menu (including handmade pasta) based on local Emilia-Romagna ingredients on the four-day “Chef Mattia’s Kitchen in Parma” program with Cooking Vacations.

El Hierro, one of Spain’s Canary Islands, was once considered the westernmost point of land in the known world.
Photograph by Inaki Relanzon, Nature Picture Library
23. Canary Islands, Spain 西班牙加那利群岛
Why go now: Reach an end of the world
What to know: Once considered the westernmost point of land in the known world, El Hierro is a world apart from the rest of Spain’s main Canary Islands, which are more often famed for sun-and-sand resorts. Smallest (104 square miles) and youngest in the Canary archipelago, El Hierro is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and a Global Geopark—and now the setting of an eponymous Spanish record-breaking hit television series. Dramatic thrills extend to the astounding diversity of ecosystems, from lush meadows to rugged coastal cliffs and lunar-like terrain. Walking trails crisscross the island, some leading to spectacular Atlantic Ocean viewpoints. On the southern slopes, palm vegetation, fig trees, and vines give way to endemic Canarian pine forests. In western El Sabinar, the open slope is dotted with centuries-old juniper trees, wind-twisted into bizarre shapes. Off El Hierro’s southern coast, the crystal-clear waters of the Marine Reserve of La Restinga-Mar de las Calmas, or Calm Sea, is considered one of Europe’s top diving destinations. —Josan Ruiz, director, Nat Geo Travel Spain
背景知识:埃尔希罗曾被认为是已知世界上最西端的陆地,但它与西班牙加那利群岛其它的岛屿有所不同。整个加那利群岛通常以阳光和沙滩胜地而闻名。 埃尔希罗在加那利群中面积是最小的(104平方英里), 也是最年轻的岛屿。埃尔希罗是联合国教科文组织生物圈保护区和全球地质公园,现在也是一个同名的西班牙创纪录热门电视连续剧的场景地。 埃尔希罗有令人震惊的多样性生态系统, 从郁郁葱葱的草地到崎岖的海岸悬崖和月球般的地形。步行小径在岛内纵横交错,一些步道通向壮观的大西洋景观。在南坡,棕榈树、无花果树和藤蔓植物让路给了特有的 加那利群岛松林。在萨比纳西部,开阔的山坡上点缀着几百年前的杜松树,被风吹的扭曲成奇怪的形状。在埃尔希罗的南部海岸外,卡尔马海洋保护区清澈见底的水域被认为是欧洲顶级潜水目的地之一。西班牙国家地理旅游局局长 -Josan Ruiz。

When to go: September–October How to go: From September to June, self-guided walking tour specialists Macs Adventure offers a seven-night “El Hierro: Edge of Europe” itinerary including lodging, luggage transfers, daily breakfasts, and route maps.
旅行指南:从9月至6月,来自Macs Adventure公司的自助步行旅游专家提供七晚“ 埃尔希罗 :欧洲边缘”行程,包括住宿、行李、每日早餐和路线图。

Białowieża Forest, which is partly in Belarus and partly in Poland, is home to Europe’s biggest land mammal, the European bison. Photograph by Fabrizio Moglia, Getty Images
比亚沃韦扎森林 ,一部分在白俄罗斯,一部分在波兰,是欧洲最大的陆地哺乳动物,欧洲野牛的家园。盖蒂图片社法布里齐奥·莫格里亚摄
Białowieża Forest, Belarus/Poland 白俄罗斯/波兰 比亚沃韦扎森林公园
Why go now: Discover one of Europe’s last true wild places
What to know: Untamed Białowieża Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site and Biosphere Reserve, protects remnants of lowland Europe’s last remaining primeval forests. Spanning nearly 550 square miles, and encompassing all of Białowieża National Park in eastern Poland, the vast forest creates an oasis of wilderness in the middle of a crowded continent. Spot some of the more than 250 bird species and the most iconic of the forest’s 59 mammal species: the European bison, Europe’s biggest land mammal. Białowieża’s approximately 800 bison represent the largest free-roaming population of a species that rebounded in the forest after being hunted almost to extinction by 1920. —Martyna Szczepanik, editorial coordinator, Nat Geo Travel Poland
背景知识: 未开垦的比亚沃韦扎森林是联合国教科文组织世界遗产和生物圈保护区,保护着欧洲低地仅存的原始森林。这片广袤的森林占地近550平方英里,覆盖了波兰东部的 比亚沃韦扎森林国家公园(Białowieża National Park)的所有区域,在拥挤的欧洲大陆中央形成了一片荒野绿洲。发现了250多种鸟类中的一些,以及森林中59种哺乳动物中最具代表性的物种:欧洲野牛,欧洲最大的陆地哺乳动物。 比亚沃韦扎森林大约有800头野牛,代表了森林中最大的自由漫游种群。它们是在1920被猎杀殆尽后 ,在森林中又得到重生反弹。波兰国家地理旅游局编辑协调员 -Martyna Szczepanik。

When to go: September–October How to go: See wild bison and take a guided hike through Białowieża’s strictly protected primeval forest area on a four-day bison safari from Warsaw with Wild Poland.
旅行指南:参观野生野牛,并在导游的带领下徒步旅行,从华沙出发,在“荒野波兰”公司的安排下,穿越严格保护的原始森林区 - 比亚沃韦扎森林,进行为期四天的旅行。

The Grossglockner High Alpine Road runs north to south through Austria and packs 36 hairpin curves into its 48-mile route. Photograph by Zoonar, Jürgen Vogt, Alamy Stock Photo.
Grossglockner High Alpine Road, Austria 奥地利-大格洛克纳山阿尔卑斯高山公路(奥地利海拔最高的山)
Why go now: Drive to views once accessible only to mountaineers
What to know: Designed to maximize scenic views, the serpentine Grossglockner High Alpine Road is a testament to the value of taking the long way home. Completed in 1935, the mountain-pass toll road packs 36 hairpin curves in its 29-mile route through Hohe Tauern National Park, one of central Europe’s largest protected natural areas. The touring route allows motorists to experience pristine high alpine settings previously accessible only to mountaineers. The road, named for Austria’s highest peak, 12,460-foot Grossglockner, runs north to south across the provinces of Salzburg, Tyrol, and Carintha, from Fusch to Heilgenblut. Intended for savoring, not speeding, the route features multiple scenic overlooks and trailheads. Enjoy a leisurely lunch accompanied by views of 37 peaks and 19 glaciers at the historic Edelweisshütte inn, built in 1935. —Nat Geo Travel Germany
背景知识:蜿蜒的大格洛克纳高山公路证明了走在回家遥远路上的价值,充分欣赏沿途风光。山口收费公路于1935年建成,全长29英里,穿过中欧最大的自然保护区之一的高陶恩国家公园 ,其中有36条弯道。旅游路线让驾车者能体验到以前只有登山者才能看到的原始高山环境。这条以奥地利最高山峰12460英尺的格罗斯格洛克纳山命名的公路从北向南贯穿萨尔茨堡、蒂罗尔和卡林塔等省,从福什到海尔根布鲁特。目的是为了慢慢欣赏风景,而不是超速行驶, 这条路线的特色是有多处景观瞭望台和登山口小道起点。在1935年建造的历史悠久的雪绒花旅店,您可以享受一顿悠闲的午餐,同时欣赏37座山峰和19座冰川的美景。德国国家地理旅游。
When to go: June–September How to go: Get discounted toll fees and help protect the high-alpine environment by renting an electric car. The road has charging stations at the beginning and end, and boasts Austria’s highest e-charging station.
旅行指南:通过租一辆电动汽车帮助保护高山环境, 同时获得优惠的通行费 。这条路的起点和终点都有充电站,并以奥地利最高的电子充电站而自豪。
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