热点新闻直通车:国际热点时事新闻报道和深度分析文章(CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, CNBC, CTV...)
美国主流媒体文摘: 摘录当天美国主流媒体对美国政治经济热点新闻的报道和分析。
英语咬文嚼字:发现英语语言的美丽 - 单词 、 词组 、 俚语和习语。选词和例句全部来自当前主流英语媒体。
南外英语系群每日早餐英语特点:及时性 、 热点性 、 新潮流行性和趋势性。例句和解释全部标明出处,原汁原味。欢迎留言和交流学习。
今日新闻直通车 World News Daily Report
1. House Democrats are taking their impeachment inquiry straight to the White House (CBS)
2.Nearly 100 dead in Iraq protests as demonstrations continue into fifth day (CBS)
3.North Korea decries breakdown of talks US says were 'good' (ABC)
5.Clinton kept his party with him to stop impeachment. Trump's approach is different. (NBC)
6. Boris Johnson is holding himself hostage (cnn)
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美国主流媒体文摘 The US Mainstream Media Quotes Oct 5, 2019
Defense chief on Ukraine: 'My aim is to keep the department apolitical'
thehill.com Oct 0c5
Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Saturday that his aim is “to keep the department apolitical” amid a swirling scandal surrounding the Trump administration’s dealings with Ukraine.
Trump Says Democrats Are Interfering with Election
Trump Twitter Oct 5, 2019
Not only are the Do Nothing Democrats interfering in the 2020 Election, but they are continuing to interfere in the 2016 Election. They must be stopped!
Scoop: Trump pins Ukraine call on Energy Secretary Rick Perry
Axios.com Oct 5, 2019
President Trump told House Republicans that he made his now infamous phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the urging of Energy Secretary Rick Perry — a call Trump claimed he didn’t even want to make.
Pelosi Says Constitution ‘Hanging By a Thread’ (AJC)
AJC Oct 05, 2019
In an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s editorial board, the California Democrat vehemently defended her recently launched inquiry against President Donald Trump, framing it in sweeping moral and ethical terms as she described the U.S. Constitution as “hanging by a thread.”
Graham Defends Trump for Talking Like ‘Normal Person’
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told the Washington Post that President Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president, saying that Trump seemed like a “normal person” on the call.
Second Official May File Whistleblower Report
The York Times Oct 05, 2019
“A second intelligence official who was alarmed by President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine is weighing whether to file his own formal whistle-blower complaint and testify to Congress,” the New York Times reports.
Judge orders White House to preserve records of Trump's dealings with foreign leaders
Politico Oct 05, 2019
A federal judge has ordered the White House to preserve a wide range of evidence about President Donald Trump’s dealings with foreign leaders, including his interactions related to Ukraine that have fueled an impeachment investigation in the House.
Defense chief on Ukraine: 'My aim is to keep the department apolitical'
thehill.com Oct 05,2018
Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Saturday that his aim is “to keep the department apolitical” amid a swirling scandal surrounding the Trump administration’s dealings with Ukraine.
Bernie Sanders returns home to Vermont as he recovers from heart attack
the hill.com Oct 05, 2019
The 78-year-old senator was hospitalized Tuesday in Nevada after experiencing chest pains.
英语咬文嚼字 The Crazy Logophile
今天CNBC新闻刊登了记者Kif Leswing写的一篇名为“Apple’s Tim Cook spent a lot of time charming the Trump administration, and it seems to be paying off”的分析文章。
文章分析了现任苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克 ( Tim Cook )如何展开对特朗普的魅力攻势(charm offensive),说服美国政府对苹果核心产品不增加关税。
文章提到蒂姆·库克在写给员工的一封信阐中述了他当年为什么接近特朗普, 同时支持他的竞争对手(希拉里)。信中有两处语言亮点: on the sideline 和 in the arena.
on the sideline
If you are on the sidelines or do something from the sidelines, you are not actively involved in something (Cambridge).
这个习语的意思是“旁观,不参与”。这里的sidelines 原本是指球场的边线。替补球员只能在场边坐板凳, 不进场参与比赛,引申为“旁观,不参加”。
in the arena 荣誉属于真正在竞技场上拼搏的人
最早使用 in the arena 这个词语的是美国第二十六任总统西奥多·罗斯福 (Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919)。 他在“一个共和国的公民”的演说中首次提到 in the arena ( 荣誉属于真正在竞技场上拼搏的人 )。
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
The speech was a wild success. According to Morris—who calls it “one of [Roosevelt’s] greatest rhetorical triumphs”
CNBC新闻记者Kif Leswing在今天的文章援引蒂姆·库克原话,其中使用了 on the sideline 和 in the arena.
In a message to Apple employees, Cook explained why he showed up to talk to Trump despite supporting his opponent. “Personally, I’ve never found being on the sideline a successful place to be,” Cook wrote in the post published by TechCrunch. “The way that you influence these issues is to be in the arena.”
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