热点新闻直通车:国际热点时事新闻报道和深度分析文章(CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, CNBC, CTV...)
清波门看世界: 英中对照编辑海外主流媒体关于当今世界文化和旅游的报道和专题文章。
英语咬文嚼字: 每日英语单词 、 词组 、 俚语和习语。选词和例句全部来自当前主流英语媒体。南外英语系群每日英语特点:及时性 、 热点性 、 新潮流行性和趋势性。例句和解释全部标明出处,原汁原味。欢迎留言和交流学习。
今日新闻直通车 World News Daily Report
1 China trade talks set to resume Oct. 10 (CNBC)
2 Live Update: Whistleblower's complaint, Trump and Democrats (CNN)
3. 6 key takeaways from top intel official's testimony on whistleblower complaint (ABC)
5.British politics has been taken over by trolls (CNN)
6.US to Deploy 200 Troops, Patriot Air Defense Battery in Response to Saudi Attacks (Military)
7.Trudeau sets new land and ocean protection targets for 2025 (CTV)
清波门看世界 Seeing the world through Qingbomen's eyes
10 of the world's most beautiful islands
How the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge changed China forever
30 of Africa's most amazing places to visit
英语咬文嚼字 The Crazy Logophile
今日单词 Word of the Day
noun [ C ]
the activity of getting money from someone by threatening or tricking them勒索,敲诈 (Cambridge)
最近几天特朗普与乌克兰总统的“通话门”事件持续发酵,美国左翼媒体,如CNN推波助澜。媒体高频率使用 "shakedown" 和 "mafia"。美国的媒体只要涉及到党派利益,似乎也难于做到客观公正。
Adam Schiff has compared Donald Trump’s communications with Ukraine, as reported in a White House memo, to the actions of a mobster. The House intelligence committee chair said the US president's conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart represented a 'classic, mafia-like shakedown' of a foreign leader. 'This is how a mafia boss talks,' Schiff said. 'And it’s clear that the Ukraine president understands exactly what is expected of him'
今日词组 Phrase of the Day
political football
a problem that politicians from different parties argue about and try to use in order to get an advantage for themselves (Cambridge)
政治足球(各党派争论, 并试图利用来回争论以获取好处)
Ukraine, which counts on US political support and military aid to help repel its larger neighbour Russia, could end up being treated like a political football in the upcoming impeachment battle and the 2020 elections, even as it grapples with larger issues of security and reforms. (theguardian.com Sep 25, 2019)
Democratic strategist Chuck Rocha said Monday that Republicans are turning the immigration debate into “political football" instead of working with Democrats to stem the influx of migrants at the U.S. southern border. (thehill.com June 9, 2019)
今日俚语 Slang of the Day
dig up dirt on
If you dig up dirt or dig the dirt on someone, you look for harmful or shocking information about them.
Zelenskiy is squeezed between a US president urging him to dig up dirt on his political rival Joe Biden and a Democratic party that sees the White House’s pressure on him as a compelling argument to unseat Trump.
(theguardian Sep 25, 2019)
今日习语 Idiom of the Day
circle the wagons
to take defensive action; prepare for an attack: from arranging a wagon train in a circular formation (collinsdictionary.com)
把马车围成一圈,严阵以待, 准备反击;团结起来,捍卫共同的利益
这个习语最早起源于古罗马军队。把马车围成一圈,加强防御能力。早期美国西部也用这个方法防御土匪和强盗。也就是人们所说的“wagon fort”(马车堡垒), 一种可以移动的堡垒,功能是跟福建土楼是相似的。
"If there's an impeachment charge against the sitting president, typically the party that's being challenged very much circles the wagons," Sanford said. "I don't know which way the knife will cut. It could make my job that much harder."(CBS NEWS Sep 25, 2019)
Some in Congress who have seen the complaint have called it troubling, with Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) saying it “reinforces our concerns” and is “deeply disturbing.” After reviewing the document, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) said, “Republicans ought not to be rushing to circle the wagons to say there’s no there there when there’s obviously lots that’s very troubling there.”(vox.com Sep 25, 2019)