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英语咬文嚼字: 英语单词 、 词组 、 俚语和习语。选词和例句全部来自当前主流英语媒体。南外英语系群每日英语特点:及时性 、 热点性 、 新潮流行性和趋势性。例句和解释全部标明出处,原汁原味。欢迎留言和交流学习。
今日新闻直通车 World News Daily Report
Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the troop deployment to Saudia Arabia and the United Arab Emirates is happening as Iran has engaged in a "significant escalation of violence" in the region.
Saul Loeb / AFP - Getty Images file (Photo from NBC News)
1.Trump announces sanctions on Iran's national bank ahead of military options meeting. (ABC News)
2. 2020 Democratic candidates embrace the selfie line. (CBS News)
3. What's going on with Trump and Biden and Ukraine. (CNN)
4. U.S. to deploy military forces to Saudi Arabia, UAE after drone attacks on oil sites. (NBC News)
5. The UK is gearing up for its dirtiest election ever. (CNN)
7. Paris police use tear gas on Yellow Vest protesters as climate march turns violent. (ABC News)
8. Iran Warns Any Country that Attacks Will Be 'Main Battlefield'.(Military.com)
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英语咬文嚼字 A Crazy Logophile
今日单词 Word of the Day
(noun & verb )
A motion generally used in the Senate to end a filibuster. Traditionally, 60 senators must vote for a cloture motion to pass. If cloture is invoked, further debate is limited to 30 hours.
是指为了克服有议员为拖延或阻止新法律的通过而发表冗长的演说,参议院通常使用“ 限期结束辩论 ”动议(规则), 即“cloture”, 来阻止无限期演说,并对新的法案进行投票表决。传统上需要60位参议院议员通过,方可启动这个规则。一旦启动 “限期结束辩论 ”动议(规则), 辩论演说必须在30小时内结束。
备注: 在美国参议院阻挠议事是可能的,因为参议院的规定允许无限制地辩论以便阻挠议事。
A vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the US Supreme Court is expected this weekend, after Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell filed a late-night motion for a “cloture” vote to be held tomorrow. (qz.com)
In the 2013-14 Congress, after Barack Obama won his second term, there was a massive rise in cloture motions. They more than doubled to 252 from 115 in the previous session. In 2013-14, a Republican minority led by McConnell filibustered dozens of Obama nominees, and Democrats used cloture votes to push past them. (qz.com)
The rise in cloture votes illustrates how the “the politics of presidential nominations have changed dramatically in the past few decades,” Pew Research Center said. (qz.com)
今日词组 Phrase of the Day
day of reckoning
noun [ S ]
Meaning (Cambridge)
a time when the effect of a past mistake is experienced or when a
crime is punished
judgment day, day of judgment, day of retribution, final accounting, final settlement; doomsday
The White House strategy of curtailing Lewandowski's testimony by foreshadowing controversial executive privilege claims appeared to be an attempt to goad Democrats into another protracted court battle that could delay a day of reckoning. (CNN)Sep 16, 2019
Boris Johnson's day of reckoning will come. He can't endlessly treat the world like a silly joke. He's an odd and deceitful man. (the guardian) 12 Aug 2018
今日俚语 Slang of the Day
blue dog
a member of a group of primarily southern Democrats who identify themselves as more moderate or conservative than mainstream Democrats (Merriam-Webster)
A Democrat who is likely to side with Republicans on certain issues.
( yourdictionary)
The Blue Dogs Are Barking Again. Moderate Democrats, nearly wiped out in 2010, have hopes for a comeback this year. Current Blue Dog Democrats include, from left, Reps. Daniel Lipinski, D-Ill., Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, Mike Thompson, D-Calif., Jim Costa, D-Calif., Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla., and Brad Schneider, D-Ill.
The model for a successful Blue Dog is to take a hardline on spending and to a large degree on regulation. This endears them to the local business community which lavishes them with money. They need the money because the Democratic-voting constituents in their districts are often among the poorest and most disadvantaged people in the country, and they’re not in a position to fill a politician’s campaign coffers. (washingtonmonthly.com)
今日习语 Idiom of the Day
Wedge politics
political wedge
wedge issure
Meaning (usingenglish.com)
In wedge politics, one party uses an issue that they hope will divide members of a different party to create conflict and weaken it.
A strategy or pattern of behavior by a politician, political party, or advocacy group which is intended to have a divisive effect on one's political opponents or on the electorate, especially by emphasizing an issue which polarizes opinion along racial, regional, or other demographic lines. (en.wiktionary.org)
分化政治 ; 楔子政治
Senate Democrats on Tuesday largelyresisted a GOP-led effort to force a vote on the Green New Deal, as Republicans seek to make the ambitious environmental proposal a political wedge heading into the 2020 election. (usnews.com) March 26, 2019
While some say little has changed in the often-brutal history of Canadian politics, others suggest a new level of U.S.-style wedge politics is having a major impact on political discourse involving both MPs and "civil society" groups.
"It sounds like some of our toxic political strategies have moved north of the border," said David Mark, a Washington-based senior editor with Politico.com and author of Going Dirty: The Art of Negative Campaigning. (vancouversun.com)
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