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国际热点 Top Stories (To be updated)
In A Remote Arctic Outpost, Norway Keeps Watch On Russia's Military Buildup (NPR)
Trump now has opening to pull US out of Paris climate pact (AP)
UK’s Boris Johnson apologizes for missing Brexit deadline (AP)
Lutheran sisters recall nursing those wounded at Berlin Wall (AP)
美国时政 US Politics
The whistleblower offers written testimony to House Republicans (VOX)
Scalise raises concerns about politically motivated impeachments (ABC)
Sanders calls his 'Medicare for All' funding plan 'more progressive' than Warren's( The Hill)
1 Year Out: A divided nation lurches toward 2020 election (AP)
Court blocks plan to deny visas to would-be immigrants who can't afford health insurance (CBS)
Biden, Warren, Sanders stay on top; health is now an issue for Sanders: POLL (ABC)
Here are the economic issues that will define the year until Trump’s 2020 reelection bid (CNBC)
商业 Business
Saudi Arabia formally announces Aramco IPO with a domestic listing set for December CNBC)
旅行 Travel
How to win over Chinese travelers? The CEO of leading travel site Ctrip shares her expertise (CNN)
健康 Health
Body Clock Blues? Time Change Is Tough. Here's How To Sleep Well Tonight (NPR)
时尚 Style
Five secrets revealed in the Queen's dressmaker's memoir (CNN)
A new book by the Queen's official dressmaker, Angela Kelly, offers a rare behind-the-scenes look at the monarch's life.
体育 Sports
Ashleigh Barty wins richest prize in tennis with WTA Finals triumph (CNN)
英语咬文嚼字 The Crazy Logophile More...
regale sb with sth, eager beaver, drag sb’s name through the mud
关于南外每日英语早餐(About Us)

解放军南京外国语学院 (简称: 南外) 英语系校友,在79级11队师兄洪秀平校长,80级12队老同学丁旭和81级13队师弟曹俊锐的倡议下 , 2018年8月搭建南外英语系群,为校友和昔日恩师提供日常交流和学习平台。
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