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Oval Office meeting with Turkish president and Republican senators gets heated (CBS)
Attorney General Barr says Chinese companies ‘Huawei and ZTE cannot be trusted’ (CNBC)
Israel, Islamic Jihad truce appears holding despite rockets (AP)
Major trade partners seek compensation from UK and EU over Brexit (Politico EU)
Tencent vs. Alibaba: Why one Chinese titan is slumping while the other soars (CNN)
Pelosi: Trump bribed Ukraine, makes Nixon's offenses 'look almost small' (The Hill)
Bill Clinton advises Trump to ignore impeachment: 'You got hired to do a job' (The Hill)
London to get 'world's first' infinity pool with 360-degree views (CNN)
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The Arab world faces more challenges than just toppling autocrats
Eastern Europe is headed toward a demographic crisis
Emmanuel Macron is right: NATO is over
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deep state 深层国家
an alleged secret network of especially nonelected government officials and sometimes private entities (as in the financial services and defense industries) operating extralegally to influence and enact government policy(Merriam-Webster)
美国有着 deep state(深层国家)的强大团队。而这个团队的组成,即是一些没人知道的政企界幕后精英。他们存在的目的,就是跨过选民的利益,代表精英阶层干涉美国政治,并平衡国内政治力量。特朗普内政外交改革受阻,包括这次乌克兰电话门事件(被弹劾中),与这个 Deep state(深层国家)有着千丝万缕的关系
The power of the deep state comes from experience, knowledge, relationships, insight, craft, special skills, traditions, and shared values. Together, these purported attributes make nameless bureaucrats into a supergovernment that is accountable to no one. That is a scary prospect.— -- David Rothkopf
A New York Times article last month gushed that “over the last three weeks, the deep state has emerged from the shadows in the form of real live government officials, past and present … and provided evidence that largely backs up the still-anonymous whistleblower” on President Donald Trump’s phone call to the president of Ukraine. Times columnist James Stewart declared: “There is a deep state, there is a bureaucracy in our country who has pledged to respect the Constitution, respect the rule of law … protecting the American people.” Times editorial writer Michelle Cottle proclaimed that “the deep state is alive and well” and hailed it as “a collection of patriotic public servants.”
red flag law 红旗法
a law allowing courts to prevent people who show signs of being a danger to themselves or to others from having access to firearms (as by ordering the seizure of weapons) (Merriam-Webster )
Colorado is the 15th state, in addition to Washington, D.C., to say "yes," while another 21 have taken at least some steps toward adopting a so-called red flag law.
In 2018, more than 1,700 orders allowing guns to be seized for weeks, months or up to a year were issued by the courts under red flag laws, according to data compiled by the Associated Press. The figure could be higher, since California was not included in the data.
pain point 持续或反复出现的问题 (不建议翻译成“痛点”,汉语语境的局限性)
a persistent or recurring problem (as with a product or service) that frequently inconveniences or annoys customers (Merriam-Webster)
When you're in an established market, you have an established customer; their needs and pain points are clearly laid out on your competitors' review sites.— Billy Polson (Merriam-Webster)
Customer service, which has been a pain point of bigger banks for years, is also improving in that it's getting faster and requires little from you.— Chris Welch (Merriam-Webster)
haircut 资产价值的减少
a reduction in the value of an asset
… El Paso's shareholders could be all but wiped out and bondholders could take a big haircut.— William P. Barrett (Merriam-Webster)
Square revealed Friday pricing at $11 to $13 a share for its anticipated IPO, giving the tech company at most a $4.2 billion valuation—at least a 30% haircut from its most recent valuation in the private market.— Todd C. Fankel (Merriam-Webster)
Greece's finance minister has told lawmakers he sees three scenarios to resolve the debt crisis, including one involving an orderly default with a 50 percent haircut for bondholders, two Greek newspapers reported on Friday. — Reuters (Merriam-Webster)
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