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Live Updates : Impeachment inquiry hearing with former US Ambassador to Ukraine (CNN)
Ukraine feels abandoned amid US impeachment drama (AP)
What it's like in the Venice flood: Reporter's notebook (ABC)
Dow jumps more than 200 points to 28,000, posts 4-week winning streak (CNBC)
TikTok brings lobbying fight to Europe (Politico EU)
U.S. defense chief pushes South Korea for "substantial increase" in troop funding (CBS)
US commander: Partnership with Kurds against IS still strong (AP)
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Eastern Europe is headed toward a demographic crisis
Emmanuel Macron is right: NATO is over
The Arab world faces more challenges than just toppling autocrats
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freak out
to become or cause someone to be in a heightened emotional state, such as that of fear, anger, or excitement
如果有人表现出非常强烈的消极的情绪,如恐惧, 愤怒或激动,我们可以说他们 "freak out"。
Gullible Trump supporters freak out over an absurd and totally fake ‘antifa’ hoax ‘Hell yes we’re going to take away your AR-15’: Beto O’Rourke calls for confiscation of assault weapons.
“Trump is freaking out about the possibility of a recession after spending two and a half years catering to wealthy elites,” the host concluded.
--- thedailybeast.com August, 2019
eat away at sb
If a bad memory or feeling eats away at someone, it makes them think about it a lot and it continues to upset them.
"eat away at sb" 表达一种消极情绪长期困扰某人,让他们夜不能寐, 寝不能安。
Having Schiff there to handle the impeachment stuff while Pelosi remains primarily focused on legislating is really smart and just going to eat away at Trump.
If you are able to keep a steady diet of witnesses to Trump's Ukraine scandal on national television for the next two months, it will eat away at Trump's supporters and keep Trump on the defensive.
rake sth up
to talk again about a past unhappy event or experience that should be forgotten.
"rake sth up" 谈起令别人烦恼的往事;揭令别人伤心的疮疤;翻别人的旧账
Pakistan continued to rake up the issue of Jammu and Kashmir at the United Nations with President Asif Ali Zardari Tuesday addressing the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) here expressing his country's support for the self-determination of the region.
bottle up
If you bottle up your feelings, you do not show them; control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior
"bottle up" 指控制和克制自己的情绪、欲望、冲动或行为。
If you’re one of those people who bottles up their emotions, you may relate to some of these truths. Expressing our emotions can be difficult and some of us have a hard time with it. The fear of hurting someone’s feelings can cause any of us hold back what we truly feel.
shrug sth off
to treat something as if it is not important or not a problem; To dismiss, ignore, or minimize the importance of someone or something.
shrug sth off 表示你一点也不难过,满不在乎;不予理睬
President Trump on Sunday shrugged off the brutal dismembering of Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist, just days after a United Nations report described how a team of Saudi assassins called Mr. Khashoggi a “sacrificial animal” before his murder. The U.N. report urged an F.B.I. investigation into the slaying.
-- The New York Times June 23, 2019
fight down a feeling ( such as panic, fear, tears or laughter )
控制自己的情绪(恐慌、恐惧、眼泪或笑声), 尽量不显露出来
Asali looked away trying to fight down tears herself, unwilling to accept the harsh reality.
She had to fight down tears to answer him. “I want it, too.” He drew her close, over his lap, and when he kissed her, it was with such breathless …
dust yourself down
to quickly try something again or continue to do what you were doing after a problem or failure, without getting upset
He suffered many setbacks, but each time he picked himself up, dusted himself down, and carried on as cheerfully as ever. (lizwalter, Cambridge)
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