吴哥古迹,位于柬埔寨金边西北约323公里处,是柬埔寨吴哥王朝的都城遗址,现存古迹主要包括吴哥王城(Angkor City)和吴哥窟(Angkor Wat)等。
Angkor Wat 吴哥窟 [ˈæŋkɔ:] [ wät ]
吴哥古迹中最闻名于世的是吴哥窟( Angkor Wat ),这是苏耶跋摩二世(1113~约1150年在位)在12世纪建造的一组庙宇群。吴哥窟并不是供大群信徒朝拜的寺院,而是一座宏伟的太庙。
Angkor 一词来自高棉语(更早来自梵语),意思是“Capital City 都城”;Wat 一词在泰国、柬埔寨和老挝等国家等是指佛教寺院或寺庙, Angkor Wat 本意是“都城寺庙”,指吴哥时代的皇家太庙。
Angkor Wat 按发音和含义翻成中文“安哥寺”似乎更合适。据说,早期智者是按依照广东发音翻译成中文“吴哥”的。Wat (寺庙)翻译成“窟”,兼顾英文“Wat”或法语“Vat”的音译,同时融入“窟”含有“多指神仙的住所”的意思。
Angkor Wat is an enormous Buddhist temple complex located in northern Cambodia. It was originally built in the first half of the 12th century as a Hindu temple. Spread across more than 400 acres, Angkor Wat is said to be the largest religious monument in the world. Its name, which translates to “temple city” in the Khmer language of the region, references the fact it was built by Emperor Suryavarman II, who ruled the region from 1113 to 1150, as the state temple and political center of his empire.
Originally dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu, Angkor Wat became a Buddhist temple by the end of the 12th century. (history.com)
Phnom Penh 美 [nɑm pɛn] 柬埔寨首都金边
柬埔寨首都的英文是 Phnom Penh, 中文“金边”。 Phnom 高棉语指“山”的意思; Penh 是个姓“奔”, Phnom Penh 合起来就是“奔山”。这个“奔山”是有来历的。传说在1372年,一位名叫“ Penh”( 奔 )的富有寡妇在一场暴风雨后发现一 棵漂浮的Koki树里面有四尊青铜佛像和一尊毗瑟奴石像。Penh命令村民把她房子东北方向的山丘抬高,用这个Koki 树木在山上建了一座寺庙,供奉着四尊佛像,还建了一个神龛供奉稍低一点的毗湿奴神像。
这座寺庙后来被称为 Wat Phnom Daun Penh,现在称为 Wat Phnom (山庙)。这个小山丘高27米(89英尺),早期当地人尊称“奔夫人山”( Phnom Penh )。 柬埔寨首都 Phnom Penh 名称最早就来自这个“奔夫人山”( Phnom Penh )。当时的华侨把 “奔夫人山” ( Pnom Penh )称为“金奔”。在广东话里,“奔”和“边”发音接近,时间久了,金奔在华语中就演变成“金边”,一直沿用到现在。
Phnom Penh (lit. 'Penh's Hill') takes its name from the present Wat Phnom (lit. 'Hill Temple') or from the former Funan Kingdom, an ancient kingdom that existed from 1st to 6th century AD in Southeast Asia. Legend has it that in 1372, a wealthy widow named Penh found a Koki tree floating down the Tonlé Sap river after a storm. Inside the tree were four bronze Buddha statues and a stone statue of Vishnu. Penh ordered villagers to raise the height of the hill northeast of her house and used the Koki wood to build a temple on the hill to house the four Buddha statues, and a shrine for the Vishnu image slightly lower down. The temple became known as Wat Phnom Daun Penh, which is now known as Wat Phnom, a small hill 27 metres (89 ft) in height. (wikipedia.org)
Khmer Rouge [kəˈme(ə)r ruːʒ] 红色高棉
Although Angkor Wat is no longer an active temple, it serves as an important tourist attraction in Cambodia, despite the fact it sustained significant damage during the rule of the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s and in earlier regional conflicts.
Suryavarman II. 苏耶跋摩二世 (1112-1150)
Initially, Angkor Wat was designed as a Hindu temple, as that was the religion of the region’s ruler at the time, Suryavarman II. However, by the end of the 12th century, it was considered a Buddhist site. (history.com)
Henri Mouhot 亨利·穆奥 (1826-1861)
Nonetheless, it remained an architectural marvel unlike anything else. It was “rediscovered” in 1840s by the French explorer Henri Mouhot, who wrote that the site was “grander than anything left to us by Greece or Rome. (history.com)
Mount Meru 须弥山
Mount Meru ( or Sumeru) 须弥山,是印度教、耆那教和佛教宇宙学的神圣五峰山,被认为是所有物质、形而上学和精神宇宙的中心。
The compliment can likely be attributed to the temple’s design, which is supposed to represent Mount Meru, the home of the gods, according to tenets of both the Hindu and Buddhist faiths. Its five towers are intended to recreate the five peaks of Mount Meru, while the walls and moat below honor the surrounding mountain ranges and the sea. (history.com)
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