Say cheers to the 15 best beer cities around the world
(CNN) — It's a wild, wild world of beer out there — and we're not just talking about the fermentation going on in the tanks!
The craft beer scene has taken over almost every inch of the globe, from Australia to Estonia and pretty much everywhere in between. With experimental breweries, new takes on old traditions, and pubs catering to beer lovers of all palates, there's a beer for you no matter where you're traveling.
It might not be possible to drink them all, but if you want to get the most bang for your beer buck, put one of these brew-centric cities on your bucket list and grab your passport.
Portland, Maine, USA 美国缅因州波特兰

As the US city with the most breweries per capita, Portland, Maine is at the top of every beer lover's must-visit list. To sample a bunch of Maine beers in one go-round, stop atNovare Res in the Old Port neighborhood. From pioneers like Allagash to new standards like Bissell Brothers, Maine Beer Co., and Liquid Riot, the bar's rotating taps won't disappoint.
缅因州的波特兰是美国人均啤酒酿造量最多的城市,是每位啤酒爱好者必去之地。想要一尝缅因州的啤酒,可以去老港口附近的novare Res。从Allagash这样的先锋到Bissell Brothers、Maine Beer Co.和Liquid Riot这样的新标准,这家酒吧的旋转龙头绝对不会让人失望。
Oxbow Blending & Bottling combines the barrel-aging space for the brewery's European inspired beers, like the flagship Farmhouse pale ale, with an airy warehouse-style taproom. In warm weather, grab a cone of Belgian frites from the Duckfat Frites Shop window outside.
Oxbow Blending & Bottling将啤酒厂的欧洲风格啤酒的桶装陈酿空间(如旗舰农舍淡色啤酒)与通风的仓库式酒吧相结合。天气温暖时,从外面的达克法特煎饼店(Duckfat frites)的窗口中拿一个比利时炸薯条。
find an eclectic selection of beers at Foulmouthed Brewing, in a converted auto shop in South Portland. Try the Grawlix IPA with locally grown hops or a salty gose with yuzu kosho alongside your lobster roll.
Asheville, North Carolina, USA 美国北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔

Hi-Wire's bright colors and beer variety are inspired by the circus.
Javier Bolea
哈维尔·波利亚(Javier Bolea)
Only second to Portland on the breweries-per-capita list, Asheville has a long tradition of independent craft brewing. The Green Man Brewery has been packing them in since 1997 at its downtown brewery and taproom, Dirty Jack's, with nightly live music — another Asheville staple.
在人均酿酒厂名单上仅次于波特兰的阿什维尔拥有悠久的独立手工酿造传统。自1997年以来,Green Man Brewery便开始在市中心的酿酒厂和酒吧Dirty Jack’s rty Jack's进行包装,并提供每晚的现场音乐-这是阿什维尔的另一项主要业务。
Wicked Weed Brewing has made its name producing flavorful beers that are slightly off the beaten path. Along with its original brewery and pub, its Funkatorium is a newer offshoot dedicated to sour ales and other wild-fermented beers.
If you can't make it to every brewery in Asheville from Hi-Wire to Burial in one visit, head over to West Asheville to get a taste of it all the Westville Pub. This neighborhood watering hole always keeps a range of regional favorites on hand, as well as its own brews from All Sevens Brewing.
如果你不能在一次访问从Hi-Wire到Burial的阿什维尔的每一家啤酒厂,那么你可以前往西阿什维尔,在韦斯特维尔的酒吧里一饱口福。这个社区的酒吧总是保持一系列的地区特色佳肴及自己的All Sevens Brewing酿造的啤酒。
And if you need more Asheville beer recs, check in with White Labs yeast company co-owner Lisa White, who sure knows her way around beer.
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA 美国密歇根州大急流城

Brewery Vivant, known for its farmhouse ales, is proud to be the first LEED certified production brewery in the United States.
Paul Bomers
Not to be outdone by bigger cities on the coasts, Grand Rapids calls itself "Beer City, USA" and makes good on the title. Founders Brewing may have put it on the map (aided by nearby Bell's in Kalamazoo), but this western Michigan spot has taken the title and run with it, with more than 80 breweries in the area.
Despite being housed in a former funeral home, Brewery Vivant is very much alive with flavorful farmhouse ales. Find their "Plein de Vie" wild-fermented ales, bourbon barrel-aged seasonal options, and year-round offerings like the Hop Field IPA with Michigan hops in this historic East Hills location.
尽管被安置在一个前殡仪馆,啤酒厂的Vivant是非常美味的农家啤酒。在这个历史悠久的East Hills地点,可以找到他们的“Plein de Vie”野生发酵啤酒,波旁酒桶陈酿的季节性选择,以及常年供应的啤酒,如带有密歇根啤酒花的Hop Field IPA.
Over on the West Side and also repurposing an old community space — this time a firehouse — is the original location of rapidly expanding brewery, The Mitten. Baseball fans will appreciate the clever puns of many of the beer names, from the League of Their Own blonde ale to the raspberry and hibiscus sour Rose Canseco.
Brussels, Belgium 比利时 布鲁塞尔

You can enjoy a new beer every month by trying the Beer Project's latest "pop-up" creation.
Xavier Hudsyn
泽维尔·赫德森(Xavier Hudsyn)
Belgium might be small, but it's big on beer history. The Trappist monasteries that founded so much of its storied beer traditions typically aren't open to the public — and scattered around the countryside — so why not go to Brussels and sample their brews at your leisure?
Cantillon, known for its fruity lambic beers, is one of the few venerable breweries offering daily tours. Stop in for a taste, or spend a few hours at Moedic Lambic sampling many of these funky, naturally fermented beers.
Cantillon以其果味浓郁的拉比尔(lambic)啤酒而闻名,是为数不多的提供每日参观服务的受人尊敬的啤酒厂之一。停下来品尝一下,或者花几个小时在Moedic Lambic品尝一下这些时髦的自然发酵啤酒。
the opposite end of the spectrum is the Brussels Beer Project, a modern brewery focused on collaboration and experimentation. With more than 40 new beers coming out of their tanks every year, you're bound to find something intriguing.
与之相对的是布鲁塞尔啤酒项目(Brussels Beer Project),这是一家专注于合作和实验的现代啤酒厂。每年有超过40种新啤酒从他们的酒桶里冒出来,你一定会发现一些有趣的东西。
Tokyo, Japan日本东京
Tucked away up a flight of stairs (but visible from the large illuminated pint glass outside),Popeye is the oldest craft beer bar in Tokyo, founded as a "Western-style pub" in 1960 and expanding its beer selection in the '90s. Now featuring 70 taps, the bar carries a range of Japanese, American and international beers and is also an izakaya.
A more modern izakaya-and-beer combination is found at Baird Harajuku Tap Room, one of two tasting rooms for Japanese craft brewing mainstay Baird Beer in Tokyo. At the second in Nakameguro, Connecticut-style pizza is the focus — but at either spot, both monthly special beers and core offerings are ready to pair with your food.
在位于东京的Baird Harajuku啤酒品酒室中,你可以找到一种更现代的藏酒和啤酒的组合。在中目黑区Nakameguro的第二家店,康乃狄格风格的披萨是焦点,但在任何一家店,每月的特色啤酒和核心产品都可以与你的食物搭配。
For a taste of one of Japan's most well-known breweries, hit up Hitachino Brewing Lab, a tasting room devoted to the offerings of Kiuchi Brewery's Hitachino Nest beers. In this cozy space near Akihabara station, you can sample the flagship white ale as well as limited-edition brews from one of the 10 rotating taps.
想要品尝日本最著名的啤酒酿造厂之一的Hitachino Brewing Lab,这是一间专门提供菊池啤酒(Kiuchi Brewery) Hitachino Nest啤酒的品鉴室。在秋叶原车站(Akihabara station)附近这个舒适的地方,你可以品尝到旗舰级的白啤酒,也可以品尝到限量版的啤酒。
Shanghai, China 中国 上海
It's not surprising, given its population, that China consumes more beer than any other country — a quarter of the beer in the world. And you'll find a vast international and local selection of craft beers throughout Shanghai to help up that ante.
Boxing Cat Brewery has three brewpub locations throughout the city — the better to sample offerings like their award-winning dry-hopped Sucker Punch pale ale. The brewery often collaborates with other Chinese and international breweries to make one-offs like Emperor's Horses Lychee Pilsner with 京A (Jing A) Brewing Co.
拳击猫啤酒厂在整个城市拥有三个啤酒馆位置-更好地品尝产品,例如屡获殊荣的干式Sucker Punch淡啤酒。该啤酒厂经常与其他中国和国际啤酒厂合作,例如与京A(Jing A)Brewing Co.一起生产Emperor's Horses Lychee Pilsner。
Next door to Boxing Cat's Fuxing Lu location is Daga Brewpub, a three-story bar featuring 40-odd taps for you to try a wider selection of Chinese beers from popular breweries like Shanghai Love and Shantown. Smaller and more casual but no less impressive is The Hop Project, a bar and grilled cheese restaurant with constantly rotating craft beer on tap.
毗邻Boxing Cat的复兴路店的是Daga Brewpub,这是一家三层楼高的酒吧,有40多个龙头,你可以在这里品尝更多来自上海之爱和Shantown等热门啤酒厂的更多中式啤酒。The Hop Project较小,更休闲,但同样令人印象深刻,这是一家酒吧和烤奶酪餐厅,可随时旋转精酿啤酒。
Berlin, Germany 德国 柏林

Germans have made a name for themselves brewing some of the richest beers in the world.
Olaf Protze/LightRocket/Getty Images
Olaf Protze / LightRocket / Getty图片
Exploring one of Germany's most storied beer cities can be overwhelming. While enterprising Berliners have created both maps and tours to help visiting beer lovers, there's a variety of places to find pilsners, marzens and rauchbiers on your own.
Brauhaus Lemke is Berlin's oldest craft brewer, celebrating its 20th year in business with a cavernous space near the Alexanderplatz. Lemke also runs the Brauhaus Lemke am Schloss, a restaurant and beer garden housed in the city's oldest brewery.
Brauhaus Lemke是柏林历史最悠久的手工酿酒厂,在亚历山大广场(Alexanderplatz)附近有一个巨大的空间,庆祝公司成立20周年。莱姆克还经营着兰客啤酒屋,这是一家位于该市最古老的啤酒厂内的餐厅和啤酒花园。
IPA and APA lovers will gravitate to Vagabund, a brewery opened by American expats with a beer palate to match. Hops & Barley, housed in a former 1950s butcher shop, offers a low-key, neighborhoody feel with a selection of traditional beer styles like the unfiltered pilsner on tap.
Rome, Italy 意大利罗马
Instead of another glass of Trebbiano, why not grab a pint of Vento Forte IPA in the Eternal City? Start with a sip at Birra Baladin, one of Italy's largest craft beer producers. Tours are only offered on Sundays, but the vast beer garden is perfect for a beer and a bite—with varieties like the smoky Garden and the spiced summer ale Soraya exclusively available on draft.
与其再来一杯特雷比安诺,为什么不在永恒之城喝一品脱的维多浓啤酒呢?在意大利最大的精酿啤酒生产商之一Birra Baladin小酌一杯。只在周末提供游览服务,但巨大的啤酒花园是啤酒和啤酒的完美选择——像烟熏花园和香料夏季啤酒索拉雅只提供生啤。
For quirkier options, pick up a massive porchetta sandwich at the tiny rock-and-roll-focused shop Donkey Punch and wash it down with a Birra Plurale golden ale. For people-watching, pull up a stool at Ma Che Siente Venuti a Fà — one of the original Roman craft beer bars. With 16 taps featuring international pours and a knowledgeable staff, you'll be able to answer the question posed by their name: "What did you come here for?"
如果想要更古怪的选择,你可以在一家名为“驴肉潘趣”(Donkey Punch)的小铺子里买一个大份的烤猪肉三明治,再配上一杯Birra Plurale金色麦芽啤酒。如果想看人,你可以在Ma Che Siente Venuti a Fa酒吧拉上一张凳子,这里是最早的罗马工艺啤酒酒吧之一。这里有16个熄灯号,分别是国际上的倒酒和知识渊博的工作人员,你将能够回答由他们的名字提出的问题:“你来这里干什么?”
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚

Seasonal beers with creative names and packaging make Drfitwood Beer a go-to.
Matty Schmitz
带有创意名称和包装的时令啤酒使Drfitwood Beer成为首选。
马蒂·施米兹(Matty Schmitz)
The beer revolution came early to Victoria, with its first brewpub opening in 1984 and the number of breweries and beer-focused outlets steadily growing since then. Swans Brewery, one of BC's craft beer pioneers, continues to draw loyal fans to its well-appointed brewpub and hotel. It's around the corner from Canoe Brewpub, a fellow elder statesman of the scene, where you can kick back with a juicy pale ale on the patio.
维多利亚很早就迎来了啤酒革命,1984年开办了第一家啤酒吧,从那以后,啤酒厂和啤酒专卖店的数量稳步增长。天鹅啤酒,BC的工艺啤酒先驱之一,继续吸引忠实的球迷到其设备完善的啤酒酒吧和酒店。它就在独木舟酿酒吧(Canoe Brewpub)附近。独木舟酿酒吧是这里的一位元老级人物,你可以在露台上喝上一杯多汁的淡色啤酒放松一下。
The next generation of Victoria craft beer is exemplified by Hoyne, a brewery created by the former brewmaster at Swans and co-founder of Canoe. Sean Hoyne now flies his own flag with creations like Entre Nous, a Belgian-style witbier brewed with BC cherries.
维多利亚时代的下一代精酿啤酒以Hoyne为例,该啤酒厂由Swans的前酿酒师和Canoe的联合创始人创建。肖恩·霍恩(Sean Hoyne)现在举着自己的旗帜,例如恩特尔·努斯(Entre Nous)等产品,这是一种用BC樱桃酿造的比利时风格的白啤酒。
Driftwood Beer pushes the limits even further with inventive beers like the Raised by Wolves IPA brewed with juicy Ekuanot hops and wild yeast.
Melbourne, Australia 澳大利亚墨尔本

Moon Dog takes experimentation seriously, with some of their first flavors integrating pumpkin, coffee and cherry plums.
Jacinta Kuras
Moon Dog认真对待实验,最初的口味融合了南瓜,咖啡和樱桃李。
贾辛塔·库拉斯(Jacinta Kuras)
Living up to Australia's sunny but chilled-out reputation, Melbourne's breweries and bars are prime spots for a laid-back afternoon of sampling and conversation. The taps are always pouring local craft options at The Catfish, a casual, no-frills neighborhood bar that doubles as a live music venue and, improbably, a Philly cheesesteak emporium.
墨尔本的啤酒厂和酒吧不辜负澳大利亚阳光明媚却令人心旷神怡的美誉,是一个悠闲的下午品鉴和聊天的好去处。在“鲶鱼”(Catfish)酒吧,人们总是能找到当地的手工制品供选择。这是一家休闲、朴实的社区酒吧,既是现场音乐表演的场所,也是费城奶酪牛排(Philly cheesesteak)的大型商场。
Moon Dog Brewing calls its on-site tap room a "tropical brewery bar paradise," and the palm tree-decked, skylit space is an ideal environment to try a seasonal, experimental beer like the Splice of Heaven pine-lime ice cream IPA.
Moon Dog Brewing把它的现场啤酒室称为“热带酿酒厂酒吧天堂”,装饰着棕榈树的skylit空间是品尝季节性、实验性啤酒的理想环境,就像“天堂拼接”(Splice of Heaven)的松石灰冰淇淋IPA一样。
Thunder Road, a larger brewery in downtown Melbourne, has been turning out complex, interesting beers for 10 years. Try the Pacific Breeze Aussie ale with Australian hops and grab a snack from the Airstream trailer parked in the courtyard.
墨尔本市中心的大啤酒厂雷路(Thunder Road)已经生产复杂、有趣的啤酒10年了。尝尝澳大利亚啤酒花酿的太平洋微风牌澳洲啤酒,从停在院子里的Airstream房车里抓点吃的。
Cape Town, South Africa 南非开普敦

Not to be confused for the Hollywood actor, Jack Black's is one of Cape Town's favorite breweries.
Jack Black's Brewing Co
For the past century, South African Breweries was the only brewery in the country. Luckily, that's changed with the craft beer revolution, and Cape Town is hopping with new options.
Jack Black's is a beloved local operation founded by a pair of longtime contract brewers, who opened their own flagship brewery and taproom in 2016. Stop by for a burger and a pint of their malty pre-Prohibition-style Brewers Lager or Butcher Block pale ale.
杰克•布莱克(Jack Black)是一家深受当地人喜爱的企业,由两位长期合约酿酒师创立,他们在2016年开设了自己的旗舰酿酒厂和酒吧。顺便来这里吃个汉堡,一品脱麦芽啤酒,这是一种禁酒前的啤酒酿造商用的淡色啤酒。
Ukhamba Beerworx, South Africa's first black-owned microbrewery, celebrates the brewing traditions of the Nguni tribes while producing modern iterations like Utywala sorghum saison, made with sorghum malt.
南非第一家黑人拥有的小啤酒厂Ukhamba Beerworx,在发扬恩古尼部落酿酒传统的同时,也酿造出了用高粱麦芽酿造的现代版乌提瓦拉高粱酒。
With 30 beers on tap and a menu of Caribbean food to pair with them, the popular Banana Jam café has beer lovers covered. House brews like the Afro Caribbean Coconut IPA or Pirate Porter are always available, with a rotating list of other local options.
Lisbon, Portugal 葡萄牙里斯本

Dois Corvos loves a fruity punch and packs its ales with notes of rasperry, açai and aronia.
Tiago Lopes/Dois Corvos
Dois Corvos喜欢果味浓郁的拳头,并在其啤酒中注入了树莓,阿萨伊和阿罗尼亚的香气。
蒂亚戈·洛佩斯(Tiago Lopes)/多伊斯·科沃斯(Dois Corvos)提供照片
If you only have time to drink one beer while in Lisbon, why not do it in an 18th-century royal tunnel? The beer bar Quimera is housed in an underground path to the Palácio das Necessidades, used as an escape route for King Manuel II when the monarchy fell in 1910.
如果你在里斯本只有时间喝一杯啤酒,为什么不在18世纪的皇家隧道里喝呢?Quimera啤酒酒吧坐落在通往Palacio das Necessidades的地下通道上,当1910年君主制垮台时,这里曾是曼努埃尔二世国王的逃生通道。
History aside, Quimera offers its own unusual beers on tap, ranging from a barrel-aged raspberry sour raw ale to a Brett IPA or a peanut butter porter.
撇开历史不谈,Quimera自产的啤酒与众不同,从桶陈酿的覆盆子酸生啤酒到布雷特(Brett) IPA或花生酱黑啤酒,应有尽有。
For a longer visit, head to Marvila, Lisbon's self-described beer district. This neighborhood designation was conceived by three local breweries: Musa, Lince, and Dois Corvos. Though each runs independently, they're housed within a block of each other, which makes a brew crawl easy to accomplish.
如果想要更长时间的游览,可以去里斯本自称为“啤酒区”的Marvila。这个社区是由三家当地酿酒厂设计的:Musa, Lince和Dois Corvos。虽然每一个都是独立运行的,但它们彼此之间却位于一个块内,这使得酿造抓取很容易完成。
Warsaw, Poland 波兰华沙

Each of Kufle i Kapsle's three locations pours local beers from Polish craft breweries like Artezan in a range of styles.
Kufle i Kapsle
Kufle i Kapsle的三家分店都供应各种风格的当地啤酒,来自像Artezan这样的波兰手工酿酒厂。
蒂亚戈·洛佩斯(Tiago Lopes)/多伊斯·科沃斯(Dois Corvos)提供照片
Quite a few people might describe the latest craft beer trend as "attack of hops," but there's only one Polish beer that actually takes that phrase as its name. Atak Chmielu, an American-style IPA, is the flagship beer of Pinta. Since first introducing this hoppy brew in 2011, the brewery has expanded its range and now features a number of sours.
很多人可能会把最新的精酿啤酒潮流描述为“啤酒花的攻击”,但实际上只有一种波兰啤酒以这个词命名。Atak Chmielu是一种美式IPA,是Pinta的主打啤酒。自2011年首次推出这种啤酒花啤酒以来,啤酒厂扩大了其产品范围,现在推出了多种口味的啤酒。
You can find more of Pinta's styles at any of the three locations of the pub Kufle i Kapsle in Warsaw. Each pours local beers from Polish craft breweries like Artezan in a range of styles, including traditional smoked grodziskie, smooth Baltic porter, and pilsner.
你可以在华沙的Kufle i Kapsle酒吧的任何三个地方找到更多平塔的风格。每个人都从像Artezan这样的波兰手工酿酒厂那里倒出各种风格的当地啤酒,包括传统的烟熏葛罗吉斯基(grodziskie)、光波罗的海波特酒(smooth Baltic porter)和比尔森(pilsner)。
Tallinn, Estonia 爱沙尼亚塔林
As the founders of Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend, Põhjala Brewery has a lot of skin in the game when it comes to Estonian brewing. These relative elders of the local craft beer market have been brewing since 2011. Their brand-new brewhouse and 24-tap tasting room debuted at the end of 2018 to showcase their own beers and guest collaborations, served alongside Texas BBQ.
作为塔林精酿啤酒周末(Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend)的创始人,Pohjala Brewery在爱沙尼亚酿酒业中有着举足轻重的地位。自2011年以来,当地精酿啤酒市场的这些长辈们就一直在酿造啤酒。他们全新的啤酒厂和24龙头的品酒室在2018年底首次亮相,展示他们自己的啤酒和嘉宾合作,与德克萨斯烧烤一起提供服务。
More Estonian brews take precedence on the draft list at Porgu, a subterranean bar and restaurant in Old Town. Try the koduõlu style, a raw farmhouse ale from the Saaremaa island brewery Pihtla, for a truly Estonian taste.
在旧城的地下酒吧和餐馆Porgu,更多的爱沙尼亚啤酒在候选名单上名列前茅。尝试一下koduolu风格,这是一种来自 萨列马岛(Saaremaa)岛啤酒厂Pihtla的生的农家啤酒,真正的爱沙尼亚风味。
For another cross-cultural food and drink pairing, the bottle shop Taptap serves up locally made Danish-style hot dogs with its small but curated on-tap lineup. With more than 200 local and international bottles in the cellar-inspired space, it's tempting to take more to go.
Budapest, Hungary匈牙利布达佩斯

The City of Spas serves equally refreshing lagers and ales.
水疗城(City of Spas)同样供应清新的啤酒和淡啤酒。
Though the fruit brandy pálinka is the unofficial national drink of Hungary, there's no shortage of craft beer in Budapest to satisfy those with other tastes. The breweries and bars of the city are all too eager to showcase the best of Hungarian beer.
Some of the biggest selections can be found at Legfelsőbb Beeróság, which showcases Hungarian craft beers exclusively on its 10 taps and list of 150 bottles. The all-in-oneÉlesztő ("yeast" in Hungarian) goes even bigger with more than 20 taps from its brewery, a bar dedicated to cask ale, and even a hotel on-premise.
LegfelsőbbBeeróság可以找到一些最大的啤酒系列10个龙头上展示了匈牙利的手工啤酒,并列出了150瓶。所有功能于一身的Élesztő(在匈牙利的“酵母”) 20多个龙头是更大的啤酒厂,酒吧专用桶啤酒,甚至酒店内部部署。
If you haven't drunk yourself silly with that selection, go for a little sightseeing with your beer at Jónás Craft Beer House, which has a gorgeous outdoor beer garden on the Danube.
如果你还没醉到那种程度,那就带着你的啤酒去乔纳斯克拉夫特啤酒屋(Jonas Craft beer House)游览一下吧,那里有一个位于多瑙河上的露天啤酒花园。
Casey Barber is a food writer, photographer, and illustrator; the author of the cookbooks "Pierogi Love: New Takes on an Old-World Comfort Food" and "Classic Snacks Made from Scratch: 70 Homemade Versions of Your Favorite Brand-Name Treats"; and editor of the website Good. Food. Stories.
凯西·巴伯是一位美食作家、摄影师和插画家;著有《Pierogi Love: New on a Old-World Comfort Food》和《从零开始制作的经典小吃:70种你最喜欢的品牌小吃的自制版本》的作者
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