The most remote places on Earth
(CNN) — The problem with exciting destinations is that you're unlikely to be the only one drawn to them.
These options provide personal space because they can be -- to put it mildly -- a challenge to reach. (Particularly the ones with "Inaccessibility" right in their names.)
Get ready to travel where most folks don't -- the most remote places on Earth:

人迹罕至的北极 (Arctic Pole of Inaccessibility (a.k.a. Northern Pole of Inaccessibility)

Let's say you want to go to the North Pole and face temperatures so cold that they attract worldwide attention on the brief occasions they go above freezing. (They're normally at least 30 degrees below zero.) But you decide, "Too easy." So you eliminate the crutch of land.
比方说,你想去北极,那里气温的气温太低了,只是在短暂的时间里,气温会达到零度以上。这引起了全世界的注意。(它们通常至少在零下30度。)。 但你决定,“太简单了。” 这样就消除了对陆地的依赖。
The Northern Pole of Inaccessibility is the point on the Arctic Ocean most distant from terra firma. Bonus challenge: The pole is actually moving. Polar explorers have set out to reach it and discovered it shifted over 100 miles.
无法到达的北极是北冰洋上最远离陆地的地方。额外的挑战: 磁极实际上在移动。极地探险者已经出发前往,发现它移动了100多英里。
Bonus bonus challenge: If you're determined to go on foot, you get to deal with melting ice caused by those temperature spikes.
Slightly Easier Option: The North Pole (Non-Inaccessible Version). You're still facing deeply harsh conditions, but at least there are tour groups who are willing to get you there. Just be prepared to spend: This trek can easily set you back over $20,000.
人迹罕至的南极(Antarctic Pole of Inaccessibility (a.k.a. Southern Pole of Inaccessibility)
This is perfect for people who went to the Arctic and said, "Too warm."
Winter temperatures at the South Pole average -76 F (-60 C). (Which is borderline balmy compared to how cold the continent can get: Antarctica has produced the lowest ever recorded temperature of -128.6 F, or -89 C.)

Hello from Antarctica.
Located more than 500 miles away from the South Pole, you'll know that you reached the Antarctic Pole of Inaccessibility when you encounter a bust of Vladimir Lenin, because a small abandoned Soviet research station marks the spot.
Slightly Easier Option: The South Pole (Non-Inaccessible Version). Let's be clear: Anyone making this trek will still likely face some brutal conditions. (Few people visit Antarctica and come back describing it as surprisingly temperate.)
Still, tour groups exist who can get you there, provided you are prepared to plunk down more than $40,000 for the journey.
尼莫点( 海洋难抵极 (Point Nemo (a.k.a. The Oceanic Pole of Inaccessibility)
编译备注:尼莫点正式名称为海洋难抵极(Oceanic Pole of Inaccessibility),是地球表面离陆地最远的地方,位于南太平洋中央48°52.6′S 123°23.6′W / 48.8767°S 123.3933°W之处的海面上。(
This is ideal for someone addicted to remote experiences, but less than eager to freeze to death. In return for the warmer weather, you give up land.
Seriously, banish it from your mind -- this takes you to the South Pacific Ocean and plops you over 1,000 miles away from solid ground. Indeed, at times the nearest human beings are on the International Space Station.
There are currently no tours going here, which makes sense: The most striking feature of the area may be the surprising amount of nautical garbage (primarily in the form of plastic).
Slightly Easier Option: Easter Island. The home to those remarkable statues is a mere thousand miles away from Nemo, albeit still quite distant from pretty much everything else.
It's possible to fly there, because -- follow us on this -- there's land. (This is still, by normal standards, a thoroughly grueling journey: A quick search of flight options from New York reveals this trek should take at least 42 hours including stopovers and cost around $3,000 per person.)
巴西野猪河谷(或称查瓦利溪谷)Vale do Javari (Brazil)
Technology has helped us to document a great deal of our planet. Yet there are parts of the Earth that remain firmly off the grid.
Vale do Javari is a chunk of Brazil's Amazon rainforest roughly the size of South Carolina. In 2011, a previously unknown tribe was located here.
野猪谷河谷(Vale do Javari),又称查瓦利溪谷,是巴西亚马逊雨林的一部分,面积大约相当于美国南卡罗来纳州。2011年,一个以前不为人知的部落在这里定居。
It's likely that more people who have successfully remained unknown to the modern world will be uncovered as satellite pictures continue to improve. (On a far less positive note, it will also become less challenging to find them as more of the Amazon rainforest is destroyed.)
Slightly Easier Option: The Arena da Amazônia.
稍微容易的选择: 亚马逊竞技场。
Constructed by Brazil for the 2014 World Cup at a cost of roughly $300 million, this stadium in Manaus seats over 40,000 and can be found hundreds of miles away from other major cities.
Used for a handful of matches at the World Cup and the 2016 Olympics and basically wasted since then because there's virtually no need for it in the region, the project's location is so inexplicable that it crosses over from "stupid" all the way to "strangely intriguing."
圣赫勒拿岛 (Saint Helena)
There's a reason why his enemies didn't worry about Napoleon escaping when the exiled French emperor slipped away from the island of Elba. (Actually, they may have been a little concerned, since many historians have argued he was poisoned.)
Saint Helena is located approximately 1,200 miles off the southwestern coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. (Making it, at the time of Napoleon's arrival in 1815, a serious exile indeed.)
The island finally got an airport in 2017, which The Atlantic celebrated with an article titled, "The Opening of 'The World's Most Useless Airport' in Remote Saint Helena."
2017年,该岛终于有了一个机场,《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)为此发表了一篇题为“在偏远的圣赫勒拿岛启用‘世界上最没用的机场’”的文章。
Slightly Easier Option: Siberia. In a development Joseph Stalin could have never imagined, the dumping ground for many perceived enemies of the Soviet Union has become something of a hip travel destination (at least, during the warmer seasons).
相对容易的选择: 西伯利亚。约瑟夫•斯大林(Joseph Stalin) 这么也没有想到,这个被视为苏联视为流放敌人的地方经变成了一个时髦的旅游目的地 (至少在温暖的季节是这样)。
You can beat the crowds by coming during the winter instead of the summer -- the temperature has been recorded at - 89.9 F (- 67.7 C). This cold is literally otherworldly, in the sense you could travel to Mars and enjoy similar temperatures.
你可以在冬天而不是夏天来避开人群——有记录的温度是- 89.9华氏度(- 67.7摄氏度),这种寒冷简直是来自另一个世界,你可以去火星旅行,享受类似的温度。
铜峡谷里的乌里克村(墨西哥)Urique in the Copper Canyon (Mexico)
The Grand Canyon lives up to its name, but that doesn't mean another canyon can't turn out to be even grander.
The Copper Canyon is Mexico's supersized take on the Grand Canyon, with the state of Chihuahua offering a network of gorges longer and deeper than the southwest USA's.
Urique is a former mining village located at canyon bottom -- to get there requires a nine-mile descent down the steep canyon on a narrow road.
Important Travel Note: The US Department of State has issued a Level 3 travel advisory for Chihuahua state due to crime in the region. (This asks Americans to reconsider travel, though stops short of the "Do Not Travel" designation.)
In general, visitors are urged to use caution, stick to tourist areas and avoid traveling after dark.
Slightly Easier Option: Xilitla. Another remarkable offering from Mexico, the "Magical Town" of Xilitla is an isolated hillside community surrounded by tropical Huasteca Potosina. It is best known for the surreal Las Pozas garden, a UNESCO Heritage Site.
更容易的选择:西提拉(Xilitla)小镇。另一个来自墨西哥的引人注目的产品,“神奇小镇”西提拉(Xilitla)是一个孤立的山坡社区,被热带的Huasteca Potosina地区包围。它最著名的是超现实的拉斯波萨斯花园,联合国教科文组织的遗产。
煤矿历史遗址(塔斯马尼亚州)Coal Mines Historic Site (Tasmania)
编译备注: 塔斯马尼亚州是澳大利亚联邦唯一的岛州。
Pretty much wherever you may be on planet Earth, Tasmania is remote from it. (After all, to get to Tasmania you need to travel all the way to Australia... and then travel all the way across Australia to get to its southern coast... and then travel the 260 miles separating this island from the mainland.)
England used to dump convicts they wanted to get off their hands in Australia. Subsequently, Australia's choice to send prisoners that they didn't want to be imprisoned in Van Diemen's Land (which, as any fan of U2 songs sung by The Edge can tell you, is the former name of Tasmania) was a way to exile the exiled.
在澳大利亚时,英国人常常把犯人从监狱中释放出来。后来,澳大利亚选择将那些他们不想被囚禁的囚犯流放到范·迪门斯岛(任何听过U2乐队歌曲《The Edge》的人都知道,这是塔斯马尼亚的过去的名字),这是流放的一种方式。

The Kiwirrkurra community was established in the 1980s.
Courtesy Robert Whyte
Robert Whyte提供照片
The Coal Mines Historic Site today describes itself as a "place of punishment for the 'worst' class of convicts." That punishment was hard labor, with the extra brutal twist that it occurred underground, where they were forced to mine.
Slightly Easier Option: Kiwirrkurra, Australia. Let's say you want to be distant but you don't want to leave the Aussie mainland.
Enter Kiwirrkurra. Located in Australia's massive Gibson Desert -- it's about 60,000 square miles -- in 2011 Kiwirrkurra's population was reported as roughly 200 people and the next community is more than 60 miles away.
输入Kiwirrkurra。位于澳大利亚广袤的吉布森沙漠 (Gibson Desert)——大约6万平方英里——2011年,基尔库尔拉(Kiwirrkurra)的人口据报道大约有200人,而隔壁社区就在60多英里之外。
秘鲁乔昆丘拉城Choquequirao (Peru)
As anyone who has visited Machu Picchu can attest, this elevated Inca ruin is a memory that will stay with you forever.
You can reach it via grueling multi-day hike or train and bus ride. And yes, one of these options is decidedly more taxing than the other, particularly when the rains hit.
Choquequirao is still at the pre-public transportation stage. This may well change but, until then, if you want to get there you have to climb the Andes Mountains like the Inca. (Though the Inca were far less likely to have hired porters handling all their gear, as visitors typically do today.)
Slightly Easier Option: La Rinconada, Peru. It's the highest permanent settlement in the world at nearly 17,000 feet above sea level -- people brave the altitude because gold has been located there. And it should be noted that it isn't that much easier -- there's no running water, no sewage system and CNN has described it as "the world's harshest town."
更容易的选择:秘鲁的拉林科纳达(La Rinconada)。它是世界上最高的永久定居点,海拔近17000英尺,人们勇敢地面对高海拔,因为黄金就在那里。值得注意的是,它并没有那么容易——没有自来水,没有污水处理系统,CNN称它是“世界上最恶劣的城镇”。
尔塔阿雷火山熔岩湖(又名吸烟山)(埃塞俄比亚)Erta Ale lava lakes (a.k.a. Smoking Mountain) (Ethiopia) Erta Ale

In spring 2016, scientists studied the Danakil Depression, in Ethiopia, in an attempt to understand how life could exist on Mars.
Courtesy: Soz Moss
2016年春天,科学家们研究了埃塞俄比亚的达纳基尔凹地(Danakil Depression),达纳基尔大萧条,试图了解火星上的生命是如何存在的。
Soz Mos提供照片
Lava lakes are both photogenic (particularly when erupting) and potentially dangerous (eruptions can be lethal for a variety of reasons, including the poison gas they may emit).
The Danakil Depression (or Afar Depression) in northeastern Ethiopia generally boasts two lava lakes thanks to the active volcano Erta Ale.
位于埃塞俄比亚东北部的达纳基尔洼地(或阿法尔洼地)通常有两个熔岩湖,这多亏了尔塔阿雷火山(Erta Ale)。
Volcano aside, the area has limited appeal for most possible permanent residents, with droughts, a general lack of trees, and temperatures in the region hitting 118 F. (The BBC termed it simply "one of the hottest, driest and lowest places on the planet.")
Beyond this, Erta Ale can be genuinely dangerous: A 2005 eruption and 2007 lava flow both triggered evacuations of the area.
除此之外,尔塔阿雷火山(Erta Ale)可能真的很危险:2005年的一次喷发和2007年的熔岩流都触发了该地区的疏散。
Slightly Easier Option: The Kilauea volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Most tourists go to Oahu, Maui, maybe Kauai. They often skip the Big Island, which is shortsighted. Not because those other islands aren't great, but because the Big Island's active volcano occasionally obliterates some of that isle's top attractions.
In 2018, it has already evaporated what was the state's largest freshwater lake. Estimated at 200 feet deep, it was eliminated in just a few hours. Visit before Kilauea strikes again.

Kilauea is Hawaii's most active volcano.
地狱之门”(又名“地狱之门”)(土库曼斯坦)"The Door to Hell" (a.k.a. "The Gates to Hell") (Turkmenistan) “
In the Karakum Desert lies a crater roughly 230 feet across and 65 feet deep. Okay, that's not so exciting, but what sets this one apart is that it is on fire. (It was created decades ago when the Soviets punctured a natural gas cavern and then set it ablaze.)
A limited number of tourists show up each year and witness a bizarre sight that at times feels like a true waking nightmare. (Supposedly you can on occasion witness thousands of spiders inexplicably being drawn to it and marching into the flames.)
Bonus points because the Soviet Republic turned Central Asian nation of Turkmenistan can be, shall we say, a challenging place to visit.
In 2015 the US Department of State noted, "Turkmenistan is a source country for men, women and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking." On a lighter note, their president has a 24-carat gold leaf-covered statue of himself riding a horse that stands on a pedestal located more than 60 feet above the capital city.
Slightly Easier Option: Indonesia's Kawah Ijen volcano. If you climb this 8,660-foot active volcano in East Java, you can witness sulfur miners in action and feel positively coddled in your own job.
(They gather liquid sulfur dubbed "devil's gold" near live sulfur vents, watch it harden, then climb back up -- they may have descended as much as 2,700 feet -- before walking down the volcano to sell it. And, if there's time left in the day, they may do it again.)
北极巴厄诺冰雪帐篷考察站 (Barneo Ice Camp )
Okay, you really want an Arctic experience, but you don't feel like chasing around the Northern Pole of Inaccessibility nor do you need to make like you're the explorer Robert Peary.
好吧,你真的想体验一下北极,但你又不想在北极到处追逐,让人无法接近,你也不需要假装自己是探险家罗伯特·皮尔里(Robert Peary)。
If you have at least $20,000 and are free in April, here's one option. Russia constructs and oversees this camp at 89° north for a month each year. (The Russian military also has conducted drills here, unnerving neighbor Norway.)
You're fed and provided heated facilities, making it about as cushy as you can hope for on a frozen chunk of the Arctic Ocean with temperatures below zero.

Longyearbyen, Norway.
Chris Jackson/Getty Images
挪威 朗伊尔城
Chris Jackson/Getty Images提供照片
Slightly Easier Option: Longyearbyen, Norway. This is typically where you go to get to Barneo, which is a 2.5-hour flight north.
- 稍微容易一点的选择:挪威的朗伊尔城。这是你去巴内奥(Barneo)的典型路线,往北飞行2.5小时。
Longyearbyen is the northernmost proper community in the world, boasting over 2,000 residents. (Substantial as that number is, they are still outnumbered by neighboring polar bears.)
While south of Barneo, you'll get your share of harsh conditions: It is forbidden to bury bodies because the extreme cold stops them from decomposing. Schedule this one sooner rather than later -- rising temperatures threaten the community, notably through increased avalanches.
K2山顶(中国/巴基斯坦边界)K2 Mountaintop (China/Pakistan border)
Start with a mountain that is about 75 miles from the nearest village. Make it the second-tallest in the world at a staggering 28,251 feet.
Then throw in absurdly dangerous conditions: It's relentlessly steep, prone to avalanches and the weather is both harsh and unpredictable. (Entire years can pass when no one manages to make the climb successfully.)
This is a journey that is potentially fatal. But if you can somehow reach the top, you'll have some space to yourself.
Slightly Easier Option: The Villages of Dhalamlam Mountain. Located in Yemen, they are so elevated that they find themselves removed from the warfare plaguing that nation.
稍微容易一点的选择: Dhalamlam山的村庄。在也门,他们的地位如此之高,以至于他们发现自己已经远离了困扰这个国家的战争。
Which is not to say it's a world of magic and fantasy. A lack of electricity and running water makes life challenging, and while there is a certain charm to traveling on foot, by donkey or via an old cable car that's powered by an automobile engine, the allure quickly fades when you realize you need immediate treatment for appendicitis.
Sean Cunningham is a writer, editor and playwright
肖恩·坎宁安(Sean Cunningham)是作家,编剧和剧作家
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