Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park (乌鲁鲁卡塔丘塔国家公园) 是澳大利亚北部的一个保护区。整个公园包括乌鲁鲁高耸的砂岩巨石(Uluru)和由36块巨岩组成卡塔丘塔岩山( Kata Tjuta )。国家公园位于达尔文(Darwin)以南1943公里,和沿着斯图亚特和拉塞特高速公路在爱丽丝泉(Alice Springs)西南方向450公里处。
Uluru 乌鲁鲁巨岩(艾尔斯岩/Ayers Rock)
Uluru 就是指位于澳大利亚中部著名的乌鲁鲁巨岩,也叫 Ayers Rock 艾尔斯岩(巨石的殖民地名称)。乌鲁鲁是该地区土著居民阿南古人(Aṉangu), 和皮坚加加拉土著人(Pitjantjatjara Aborigine )的圣地。这个区域周围有大量的泉水、水坑、岩洞和古代绘画。乌鲁鲁被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。
1993年,澳大利亚政府采取了双重命名政策,允许官方名字同时包含传统土著名字(皮坚加加拉语和其他当地语言)和英文名字。1993年12月15日, 乌鲁鲁巨岩被重新命名为“艾尔斯岩/乌鲁鲁”("Ayers Rock / Uluru),成为北部地区第一个正式的双名特色。2002年11月6日,应爱丽丝泉地区旅游协会的要求,这两个名字的顺序被正式颠倒为“Uluru / Ayers Rock”乌鲁鲁/ 艾尔斯岩石。
艾尔斯岩/Ayers Rock 名字来源:1873年7月19日,澳洲探险家威廉·戈斯(William Gosse)发现乌鲁鲁,为了纪念时任南澳州州长亨利·艾尔斯爵士(Henry Ayers),将乌鲁鲁巨石命名为艾尔斯岩(Ayers Rock)。从那时起,这两个名字都被使用了。
On 19 July 1873, the surveyor William Gosse sighted the landmark and named it Ayers Rock in honour of the then Chief Secretary of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers.Since then, both names have been used. (wikipedia.org)
Uluṟu 乌鲁鲁巨石名称来源:当地土著 阿南古人 (Aṉangu), 和 皮坚加加拉土著人(Pitjantjatjara ),称这个巨石地标为Uluṟu 。这个词是一个专有名词,在皮坚加加拉土方言中没有进一步的特殊含义。但是在当地,姓氏中含有Uluru。
At the sunset, when its wavy walls blaze gold, Uluru looks like a ship on fire in a desert sea. Rising to 348m, the sandstone monolith seizes your eyes from miles away. It is easy to see why it's a sacred site. The Anangu people, the area's original inhabitants, believe it's still home to spirit ancestors like the python woman Kuniya and the hare-wallaby people, the Mala. But it has become an icon to all Australians, a symbolic heart beating in the country's Red Centre.
Until recently, visitors allowed to summit Uluru. This went against the wishes of the Anangu people, who worried about the degradation and climber injuries. But in 2017, the park board voted unanimously to ban the practice.
Luckily there are dozens of far more rewarding things to do. Watch dawn paint a rosy blush on the eastern wall. Take in the spectacle of Kata Tjuta, 36 bulbous red rock domes, about 30km from Uluru.
Join a ranger-guided walk past red gum tree groves and sacred waterholes. Spy peregrine falcons (游隼) wheeling over rocky slopes, and spot kangaroos hopping through the spinifex (三齿稃). Ride a bike - or a segway - on dusty park trails. And learn about the Ananagu, who have cared for Uluru since time out of mind. The cultural centre has a fantastic display on tiukurpa, the creation period, when mythical beings roamed the land. You can also work with local Anangu artists to create Aboriginal-style dot paintings.
While you watch the light play across the rock's vast face, consider this: two thirds of Uluru is actually underground. As the Anangu have always known, there is more to this place than the eye can see. ( Credit: Lonely Planet)
Kata Tjuta 卡塔丘塔岩山 (奥尔加山 /Mount Olga, or Olga Rocks)
Kata Tjuta 卡塔丘塔岩山, 位于乌鲁鲁巨岩以西30公里处,由36块巨岩组成。在土著语言中,Kata Tjuta的意思是“许多头”(many heads)。36个圆顶山组成了卡塔丘塔岩山( Kata Tjuta ) ,占地21.68平方公里,由砾岩(圆浑状的砾石胶结而成的岩石)组成,包括花岗岩和玄武岩等。最高的圆顶山是奥尔加山(Mount Olga),海拔1066米大约比周围的平原高出546米,比Uluṟu乌鲁鲁巨石高198米。
Kata Tjuṯa 卡塔丘塔岩山,另一个官方名字叫 奥尔加山( Mount Olga )。奥尔加 ( Olga ) ,来自 卡塔丘塔岩山最高的山峰 奥尔加山(Mount Olga)。
1993年12月15日,通过了双重命名政策,允许正式名称同时包括传统土著名称和英文名称。因此,奥尔加山更名为奥尔加山/卡塔Tjuṯa。2002年11月6日,根据地区旅游协会的要求,这两个名字的顺序正式颠倒过来,改为Kata Tjuṯa / Mount Olga.
The other name, The Olgas, comes from the tallest peak, Mount Olga. At the behest of Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, Mount Olga was named in 1872 by Ernest Giles, in honour of Queen Olga of Württemberg (born Grand Duchess Olga of Russia, daughter of Tsar Nicholas I). She and her husband, King Charles I of Württemberg, had marked their 25th wedding anniversary the previous year by, amongst other things, naming Mueller a Freiherr (baron), making him Ferdinand von Mueller. The naming was his way of repaying the compliment.
On 15 December 1993, a dual naming policy was adopted that allowed official names consisting of both the traditional Aboriginal name and the English name. As a result, Mount Olga was renamed Mount Olga / Kata Tjuṯa. On 6 November 2002, following a request from the Regional Tourism Association, the order of the dual names was officially reversed, to Kata Tjuṯa / Mount Olga. (wikipedia)
Uluru乌鲁鲁巨岩和Kata Tjuta卡塔丘塔岩山方位
乌鲁鲁卡塔丘塔国家公园位于艾丽斯斯普林斯(Alice Springs)西南450公里,达尔文(Darwin)以南 1943公里 和悉尼西北2800公里。
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