Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners showcase stunning scenes from nature
1/19 总冠军 : 西藏狐狸和一只土拨鼠之间的对峙
Overall winner. Yongqing Bao took home the top award for this picture of a standoff between a Tibetan fox and a marmot, captured at China's Qilian Mountains National Nature Reserve.
Yongqing Bao
1 / 19
鲍永清 拍摄
2/19 系列照片奖 : 5000只雄性帝企鹅在南极洲阿特卡湾的海冰上逆风而行。
Portfolio award. Part of his award-winning photo series, this picture by German photographer Stefan Christmann shows 5,000 male emperor penguins huddling against the wind on the sea ice of Antarctica's Atka Bay.
Stefan Christmann
系列照片奖。这是德国摄影师斯特凡·克里斯特曼(Stefan Christmann)拍摄的获奖系列照片的一部分,5000只雄性帝企鹅在南极洲阿特卡湾的海冰上逆风而行。
斯特凡·克里斯特曼 拍摄
3/19 环境中的动物奖 : 中国摄影师范尚真(音)获得了这一奖项
Animals in their environment. Chinese photographer Shangzhen Fan won this category for his photo of a herd of Tibetan antelope leaving a trail of footprints in the snow, on the slopes of China's Kumukuli Desert.
Shangzhen Fan
4/19 动物的肖像奖 : 一只蟹蛛
Animal portraits. Ripan Biswas was photographing an ant colony in West Bengal, India, when he noticed this imposter -- a crab spider, which had been mimicking his neighbors in order to infiltrate the colony and eventually feast on its inhabitants.
Ripan Biswas
动物的肖像。里潘·比斯瓦斯(Ripan Biswas)在拍摄印度西孟加拉邦(West Bengal)的一个蚁群时,注意到了这个冒名顶替者——一只蟹蛛,它一直在模仿邻居们,以便渗透到蚁群中,并最终吃掉那里的居民。
里潘·比斯瓦斯 拍摄
5/19 10岁以下(含10岁)奖 : 一只蜂鸟天蛾照片
10 years old and younger. Young photographer Thomas Easterbrook took this remarkable picture of a hummingbird hawkmoth while on holiday with his family in France.
Thomas Easterbrook
- 10岁以下(含10岁)。年轻的摄影师托马斯·伊斯特布鲁克和他的家人在法国度假时拍下了这张引人注目的一只蜂鸟天蛾照片。
托马斯·伊斯特布鲁克 拍摄
6/19 11 - 14岁少年组野生摄影师大奖 : 水下发光的大鳍礁乌贼。
11-14 years old. Cruz Erdmann was diving off Indonesia when he came across a bigfin reef squid glowing underwater.
Cruz Erdmann
11 - 14岁。克鲁兹·埃德曼在印度尼西亚海域潜水时,遇到了一条在水下发光的大鳍礁乌贼。
克鲁兹·埃德曼 拍摄
7/19 15 - 17岁 青少年奖: 雌性狒狒,它的肚子上还抱着一个一周大的婴儿
15-17 years old. Italian teen Riccardo Marchgiani found this female gelada monkey,, with a week-old infant clinging to her belly, climbing over a cliff edge in Ethiopia's Simien Mountains National Park.
Riccardo Marchegiani
15 - 17岁。在埃塞俄比亚的 瑟门山国家公园(simien mountains national park),意大利青少年里卡多·马尔凯吉亚尼(Riccardo Marchgiani)发现了这只雌性狒狒,它的肚子上还抱着一个一周大的婴儿,正在爬上悬崖的边缘。
卡多·马尔凯吉亚尼 拍摄
8/19 植物和真菌奖: 一棵蒙特雷柏树的枝桠向外缠绕缠绕
Plants and fungi. The arms of a Monterey cypress tree twist and weave outwards in California's Point Lobos State Natural Reserve, in a picture taken by Zorica Kovacevic.
Zorica Kovacevic
植物和真菌。佐里卡·科瓦切维奇(Zorica Kovacevic)在加州灰狼岬(Point Lobos)国家自然保护区拍摄的一张照片中,一棵蒙特雷柏树的枝桠向外缠绕缠绕。
佐里卡·科瓦切维奇 拍摄
9/19 黑色和白色奖:黄石国家公园里一头孤独的美洲野牛。
Black and white. Max Waugh took this picture of a lone American bison in Yellowstone National Park, during a brutal snowfall.
Max Waugh
黑色和白色。马克斯·沃(Max Waugh)在一场大雪中拍摄了黄石国家公园里一头孤独的美洲野牛。
马克斯·沃 拍摄
10/19 鸟类行为奖: 金雕用树枝来观察下面的风景。
Behavior: Birds. Audun Rikardsen bolted a camera and tripod, complete with a motion sensor, to a tree branch near his home in Norway. It took three years for this golden eagle to get used to the camera and start using the branch to survey the landscape below.
Audun Rikardsen
行为:鸟类。在挪威,奥顿·里卡森(Audun Rikardsen)把相机和三脚架连同一个运动传感器拴在了他家附近的一根树枝上。这只金雕花了三年时间来适应镜头,并开始用树枝来观察下面的风景。
奥顿·里卡森 拍摄
11/19 两栖类和爬行动物行为奖: 意大利南蒂罗尔的一个池塘里青蛙的大规模迁移
Behaviour: Amphibians and Reptiles. Manuel Plaickner's photo shows a mass migration of frogs at a pond in South Tyrol, Italy.
Manuel Plaickner
行为:两栖类和爬行动物。曼努埃尔·普拉克纳(Manuel Plaickner)的照片显示了在意大利南蒂罗尔的一个池塘里青蛙的大规模迁移。
曼努埃尔·普拉克纳 拍摄
12/19 新星照片系列奖 :加拿大西北部育空地区的北美山地羊
Rising Star Portfolio Award. Jérémie Villet spent a month in the middle of winter observing North American mountain sheep in Yukon, northwest Canada.
Jérémie Villet
耶雷米·维莱特 拍摄
13/19 哺乳动物行为奖:一只美洲狮正在攻击一只羊驼
Behavior: Mammals (joint winner). A puma attacks a guanaco in Patagonia, Chile. Ingo Arndt shared the category prize with the overall winner, Yongqing Bao, after spending seven months tracking wild pumas on foot.
Ingo Arndt
行为:哺乳动物(共同获奖者)。在智利的巴塔哥尼亚,一只美洲狮正在攻击一只羊驼。英戈·阿恩特(Ingo Arndt)与总冠军鲍永清(Yongqing Bao)分享了这一奖项,此前他花了七个月的时间徒步追踪野生美洲狮。
英戈·阿恩特/鲍永清 联合拍摄
14/19 在水下拍摄奖:律宾海岸著名的“ 珊瑚礁三角区 ”捕获了这群花园鳗鱼
Underwater. David Doubilet caught this colony of garden eels, which stretched nearly to the size of a football field, deep within the famous "Coral Triangle" off the coast of the Philippines.
David Doubilet
在水下。大卫·杜比莱特(David Doubilet)在菲律宾海岸著名的“珊瑚礁三角区”捕获了这群花园鳗鱼,它们的跨度几乎有一个足球场那么大。
大卫·杜比莱特 拍摄
15/19 城市野生动物奖:棕色老鼠在树栅下的家附近蹦蹦跳跳
Urban wildife. A spine-tingling city scene on Pearl Street, Lower Manhattan, shows brown rats scampering near their home under a tree grille. Charlie Hamilton James captured the group as they went looking for food on New York's sidewalks.
Charlie Hamilton James
城市野生动物。在曼哈顿下城珍珠街(Pearl Street)拍摄的一个令人毛骨悚然的城市场景中,棕色老鼠在树栅下的家附近蹦蹦跳跳。当他们在纽约的人行道上寻找食物时,查理·汉密尔顿·詹姆斯抓拍到了他们。
查理·汉密尔顿·詹姆斯 拍摄
16/19 野生动物摄影新闻奖:只雄性美洲虎的照片被投射到美墨边境的围栏上
Wildlife Photojournalism: Single Image. A photo of a male jaguar is projected onto a part of the US-Mexico border fence, on a star-filled night in Arizona. The moment was captured by Alejandro Prieto.
Alejandro Prieto
野生动物摄影新闻:单幅图像。在亚利桑那州一个星光灿烂的夜晚,一只雄性美洲虎的照片被投射到美墨边境的围栏上。这一时刻被亚历杭德罗·普列托(Alejandro Prieto)捕捉到了。
亚历杭德罗·普列托 拍摄
17/19 地球的环境奖:夏威夷大岛的活火山基拉韦厄火山喷发后,熔岩流入太平洋
Earth's Environments. Lava flows into the Pacific Ocean following an eruption of Kîlauea, an active volanco on Hawaii's Big Island. This aerial image was taken by Luis Vilariño Lopez.
Luis Vilariño Lopez
路易斯·维拉里尼奥·洛佩兹 拍摄
18/19 野生动物摄影记者故事奖:猕猴被用来拍喜剧
Wildlife Photojournalist Story Award. Riku, a Japanese macaque legally captured in the wild, has performed comedy skits three times a day to audiences at the Nikkō Saru Gundan theatre, north of Tokyo. Jasper Doest, who gained permission to photograph one of Riku's shows, was appalled that such creatures were exploited for comedy.
Jasper Doest
野生动物摄影记者故事奖。日本猕猴Riku是在在野外被合法捕获的,在东京北部的, NikkōSaru Gundan剧院每天向观众表演喜剧短剧三次。贾斯珀·多斯特(Jasper Doest)获得了拍摄Riku其中一个节目的许可,他对这些动物被用来拍喜剧感到震惊。
贾斯珀·道斯特(Jasper Doest)拍摄
19/19 无脊椎动物行为奖:在哥斯达黎加东北部的雨林中捕捉到了一群军蚁。
Behaviour: Invertebrates. Daniel Kronauer caught a swarm of army ants moving through a rainforest in northeastern Costa Rica.
Daniel Kronauer
(CNN) — It could almost be a scene from a slapstick comedy: a marmot stands frozen in fear, slack-jawed and balanced on one foot, as it suddenly notices a charging fox.
The dramatic image, captured with perfect timing by Chinese photographer Yongqing Bao, has won the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year award, given out annually by London's Natural History Museum.
He was chosen from a longlist of various category winners, all of whom managed to record the oddities, rivalries and beauty of the natural world.
Bao caught the scene on the snow-draped sloped of China's Qilian Mountains in early spring.
He had been observing the interactions between the two creatures for some time; around an hour earlier, the marmot had spotted the fox and raised the alarm to his neighbors to get underground.
But the fox lay low and still; and, believing the coast was clear, the marmot eventually emerged to find food.
In an instant the fox dashed forward and, thanks to some lightning-quick reflexes, Bao was able to immortalize a frightening moment of realization as the marmot comes face to face with its mortality.
"Photographically, it is quite simply the perfect moment," said Roz Kidman Cox, the chair of the judging panel, in a statement. "The expressive intensity of the postures holds you transfixed, and the thread of energy between the raised paws seems to hold the protagonists in perfect balance."
评委会主席罗兹·基德曼·考克斯(Roz Kidman Cox)在一份声明中说:“从照片上看,这简直是一个完美的时刻。”“姿势的表现力让你瞠目结舌,抬起的两只爪子之间的能量线似乎能让主人公保持完美的平衡。”
"Images from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are rare enough, but to have captured such a powerful interaction between a Tibetan fox and a marmot -- two species key to the ecology of this high-grassland region -- is extraordinary," Cox added.
"This compelling picture captures nature's ultimate challenge -- its battle for survival," Natural History Museum director Michael Dixon added.
Bao collected the award at a ceremony, held at the London museum on Tuesday evening.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2019 showcases stunning photos of the natural world 2019
- Written byAmy Woodyatt, 由美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)艾米·伍德亚特(Amy Woodyatt)撰写
Agentoo penguin flees for its life as a snarling leopard seal bursts out of the water. A curious young gray whale moves toward a stray pair of hands reaching down from a tourist boat. A washed-up beach chair forms a fatal noose around the neck of a sea turtle.
These stunning images have been submitted as part of London's Natural History Museum's Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, which has been running for 55 years.
Nearly 50,000 entries from professional and amateur photographers across 100 countries were submitted to the prestigious award, of which the overall winners will be announced on October 15.
"For more than fifty years this competition has attracted the world's very best photographers, naturalists and young photographers, but there has never been a more important time for audiences all over the world to experience their work in our inspiring and impactful exhibition," Tim Littlewood, Director of Science at the Natural History Museum and member of the judging panel, said in a statement.
"Photography has a unique ability to spark conversation, debate and even action. We hope this year's exhibition will empower people to think differently about our planet and our critical role in its future," he added.
After the awards ceremony, the images will be displayed at London's Natural History Museum from October 18 and will later be showcased on an international tour.
A gentoo penguin flees for its life as a leopard seal bursts out of the water. Credit: Eduardo Del Álam o/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
当一只豹豹从水中爆发时,一只金头企鹅逃命一生。图片提供:Eduardo DelÁlamo/年度野生动物摄影师
A newborn hippo, just days old, was keeping close to its mother in the shallows of Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, when a large bull suddenly made a beeline for them. He chased the mother, then seized the calf in his huge mouth, clearly intent on killing it. Credit: Adrian Hirschi/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
图片提供:Adrian Hirschi /年度野生动物摄影师
An ever-adaptable raccoon pokes her bandit-masked face out of a 1970s Ford Pinto on a deserted farm in Saskatchewan, Canada. In the back seat, her five playful kits trill with excitement. Credit: Jason Bantle/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
在加拿大萨斯喀彻温省一个废弃的农场上,一只适应能力强的浣熊从一辆上世纪70年代的福特平托(Ford Pinto)车里探出头来,露出她那带着强盗面具的脸。在后座上,她的五个玩具包兴奋地颤栗着。资料来源:Jason Bantle/年度野生动物摄影师
图片提供:Jason Bantle /年度野生动物摄影师
This beach scene at Alabama's Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge looks appealing at first glance: blue sky, soft sand and a Kemp's ridley sea turtle. But as the photographer got closer he could see the fatal noose around the turtle's neck attached to the washed-up beach chair. Credit: Matthew Ware/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
阿拉巴马州邦塞国家野生动物保护区的海滩景色乍一看很吸引人:蓝天、松软的沙滩和一只肯普海龟。但当摄影师走近时,他看到了绑在海龟脖子上的致命套索,系在破旧的沙滩椅上。资料来源:马修·威尔/年度野生动物摄影师 图片提供:Matthew Ware /年度野生动物摄影师
Slender stems of Eurasian watermilfoil, bearing whorls of soft, feathery leaves, reach for the sky from the bed of Lake Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Credit: Michel Roggo/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
瑞士纳沙泰尔湖:一种欧亚水翼船的细长茎,带有柔软的、羽毛状的轮生叶,从纳沙泰尔湖的湖底伸向天空。图片提供:Michel Roggo /年度野生动物摄影师
On a night-time fieldtrip in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, photographer Frank Deschandol spotted this bizarre-looking weevil clinging to a fern stem. Its glazed eyes showed it was dead, and the three antennae-like projections growing out of its thorax were the ripe fruiting bodies of a 'zombie fungus.' Credit: Frank Deschandol/Wildlife Photographer of the Year
在秘鲁亚马逊雨林的一次夜间实地考察中,摄影师弗兰克·德斯尚多尔发现了这只长相怪异的象鼻虫紧紧抓住一根蕨类植物的茎干。它呆滞的眼睛表明它已经死了,从胸腔里伸出的三个触角状突起是一种“僵尸真菌”成熟的子实体。获奖理由:弗兰克·德尚多尔(Frank Deschandol) /年度野生动物摄影师
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