Super Location of Beijing Shatan Hotel
It is smart of you to have chosen Shatan Hotel for your short stay in Beijing, since Shatan Hotel is a well located hotel. How is the hotel well located? Well, let me kindly tell you!
Shatan Hotel is located No. 28 Shatan Houjie ( Houjie means "Back Street" ), Dongcheng District Beijing, 100009. The back street is about 400 meters long with Shatan Hotel standing 100 meters with its west section of Shatan Houjie and 300 meters with its east section of Shatan Houjie . So when you go out of the hotel and turn right ( east ) you will find the 300 meter-long street full of shops and restaurants bustling with local people. While when you turn left ( west ), you will feel the 100 meter street relatively quiter. But at the entrance of the west section of the street, you can find a very nice alley bar!

Here I will give you more information on the location of Shatan Hotel with photos:
Its west section of Shatan Houjie and much more:
When you come out of the hotel and turn left, you are walking to the west. The west Shtan Houjie is about 100 meters. The 100-meter street is lined with some useful shops and one nice bar.

At the end of the west Shatan Houjie, turn right for 50 mters, you will see the east gate to Jinshan Park.

At the end of the west Shatan Houjie, turn left for 200 meters, you will see the Wall of Jinshan Park and Forbidden City.

Its east section of Shatan Houjie and much more:
