The Place
I heard a lot about The Place in Beijing. On the evening of May 24, 2008, I took a taxi there. When I got to The Place, to my surprise, there were many taxis there waiting by the open entrance for the good business. The Place is located about 500 meters north of Guiyou Mansion or Silk Market Building. It is in the center of CBD ( Central Business Center ). The first thing I saw was the huge screen zooming in on Life Under the Sea! It is really a huge screen. Later I know the screen is 250 meters long and 30 meters wide. At the front of the screen, there is a huge TV screen show the lates news. So it is better to come here in the evening.
The Place is mainly composed of the huge screen in the middle and two luxury buildings on its both sides. People walk around under the screen enjoying the space art, high technique, lighting. The Place is alao a place for luxury shopping and gourmet experience. There are several open-air bars for you to relax. The Place is a blend of shopping mall, office building, Space Art and Fashion. The Place is designed by Jeremy Railton. He is also the designer for the world largest electric screen in Las Vegas.
I suggest you come here before 9:00pm. The Place has two open entrances on its east and west.
Huge TV and Screen

the west open entrance and the sky screen

The two buildings on both sides of the screen

Fashion Shops

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