Useful Chinese phrases for travelers (1)
In an Emergency : | ||
Help! | 请帮忙! | Qing bang mang |
Stop! | 停住! | Tingzhu |
Call a doctor ! | 叫医生! | Jiaoyisheng |
Call an ambulance ! | 叫救护车! | Jiaojiuhuche |
Call the police ! | 叫警察! | Jiaojingcha |
Fire ! | 火! | Huo |
Where is the hospital / police starion? | 医院 / 警察分局在那里? | yiyuan / jingchafenjuzainali ? |
Communication Essentials : | ||
Hello | 你好 | Nihao |
Goodbye | 再见 | Zaijian |
Yes/no | 是/不是 | Shi/bushi |
not | 不是 | Bushi |
I'm from | 我是...人 | Wo |
I understand | 我明白 | Wo mingbai |
I don't know | 我不知道 | Wo buzhidao |
Thank you | 谢谢你 | Xiexie ni |
Thank you very much | 多谢 | Duo xie |
Thanks | 谢谢 | Xiexie |
You'are welome | 不用谢 | Bu yong xie |
No,thank you | 不, 谢谢你 | Bu,xiexie ni |
please(offering) | 请 | Qing |
please(asking) | 请问 | Qing wen |
I don't understand | 我不明白 | Wo bu mingbai |
Do you speak English | 你会讲英语么? | Ni hui jiang yingyu me |
I can't speak chinese | 我不会讲中文 | Wo bu hui shuo zhongwen |
Please speak more slowly | 请讲慢一点 | Qing jiang man yidian |
Sorry/Excuse me! Could you help me please? |
抱歉/对不起 你能帮助我吗? | Baoqian/duibuqi Ni neng bangzhu wo me |
Useful Phraese: | ||
My name is...... | 我叫..... | Wo jiao |
How do you do | 你好, | Ni hao,hen |
Pleased to meet you | 很高兴见到你 | gaoxing jiaodaoni |
How are you? | 你好吗? | ni hao ma? |
Good morning | 早上好 | zaoshang hao |
Good afternoon/good day | 下午好/你好 | Xiawu hao/ni hao |
Good evening | 晚上好 | Wanshang hao |
Good night | 晚安 | Wan an |
Goodbye | 再见 | Zaijian |
Take care | 保重 | Bao zhong |
Keep well | 注意身体 | Zhuyi shenti |
The same to you | 你也是 | Ni yeshi |
What is ? | 这是什么? | shi shenme |
How do you use this ? | 你怎样用这个东西? | Ni zenyang yong zhege dongxi? |
Gould I possibly Have....? | 能不能请你给我 | Neng buneng qing ni gei wo |
Is | 这儿有....吗? | Zhe'r ? |
where can i get.....? | 我在哪里都可以得到....? | wo zai nali keyi dedao....? |
How much is it ? | 它要多少钱? | Ta yao duoshao qian? |
what time is.....? | ....什么时间? | ...shenme shijian |
Cheers(toast) | 干杯 | Ganbei |
Where is the restroom/toilet | 卫生间/洗手间在哪里? | Weishengjian/Xishoujian zai nali? |
here's my business card | 这是我的名片 | Zhe shi wo de mingpian |
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