Useful Chinese phrases for travelers (5)
Getting around : | ||
airport | 机场 | jichang |
bicycle | 自行车 | zixingche |
rickshaw | 人力车 | runliche |
i want to rent a bicycle | 我想租一辆自行车 | woxiangzu yiliang zixingche |
Ordinary bus | 公共汽车 | gonggongqiche |
Express bus | 特快公共汽车 | tekuai gonggongqiche |
Minbus | 面包车 | mianbaoche |
Main bus staion | 公共汽车总站 | gonggongqiche zong zhan |
Which bus goes to? | 哪一路公共汽车到..去? | nayilu gonggongqiche dao ......qu ? |
When is the next bus? | 下一辆公共汽车是是什么时候 | xiayiliang gonggongqiche shi shenme shihou |
Please tell me where to get off? | 请告诉我在哪里下车? | qing gaosu wo zainali xiache |
car | 小汽车 | xiao qiche |
ferry | 渡船 | duchuan |
ferry dock | 渡口 | du kou |
baggage room | 行李室 | xingli shi |
motorcyde | 摩托车 | motoche |
one-way ticket | 单程票 | dancheng piao |
rutum ticket | 往返票 | wangfan piao |
taxi | 出租车 | chuzuche |
ticket | 票 | piao |
ticket office | 售票处 | shoupiao chu |
timetable | 时刻表 | shikebiao |
Trains : | ||
What is the fare to.....? | 去....的票价是? | piaojia shi duoshao |
When does the train for....leave? | 去....的火车什么时候开? | huoche shenme shihou kai |
How long does it take to get to...? | 去....要多少时间? | qu....yao duoshao shijian |
A ticket to ....please | 买一张去...的票 | mai yizhang piao |
Do i have to change? | 我要不要换车 | wo yao buyao huanche |
I'd like to reserve a seat,please | 我想预定一个座位 | wo yao yuding yige zuowei |
Which platform for the train to...? | 去....的火车在那个站台 | huoche zai nage zhantai? |
Which station is this? | 这是什么车站? | zhe shi shenme chezhan |
Is this the right train for...? | 这火车是不是去....? | zhe huoche shi bushi qu....? |
train station | 火车站 | huoche zhan |
express train | 直达火车 | zhida kuaiche |
fast train | 快车 | kuaiche |
ordinaty train | 普通列车 | putong lieche |
line | 线路 | xianlu |
local train | 地方列车 | difang lieche |
platform | 站台 | zhantai |
reserved seat | 预定座位 | yuding zuowei |
subway | 地铁 | ditie |
train | 火车 | huoche |
wnreserved seat | 未预定的座位 | wei yuding de zuowei |
hard seat | 硬座 | yingzuo |
soft seat | 软座 | ruanzuo |
hard sleeper | 硬卧 | yingwo |
soft sleeper | 软卧 | ruanwo |
upgrade ticket | 升级车票 | shengji chepiao |
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