Beijing Train Timetable & Ticket Booking
Travel China Guide - a leading China-based tour operator - provides an up-to-date China train schedule, and a ticket booking service for trains departing from more than 30 major Chinese cities.

China Train Ticket Booking Process

TRAIN SEARCH: All the domestic trains are daily ones unless specially indicated.

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Please be advised that the train information is for your reference only.
4 Railway Stations in Beijing
Add: Beijing Zhan Jie, Dongcheng District ( an central location, just south of Beijing International Hotel) Tel: 51019999The trains departing from Beijing Railway Station: Harbin, Shenyang, Dalian, Qingdao, Jinan, Shanghai, Nanjing Hangzhou and other cities as well as for Inner and Outer Mongolia departing from this station. The remainder depart from Beijing West Station and Beijing South Station. Some international lines ( namely the railway line linking Beijing to Pyongyang, North Korea (DPRK), amongst others), also depart from this station.
Add: Lianhuachi Donglu, Fengtai District
Tel: 51826253
The trains departing from Beijing West Railway Station: Xian, Chongqing, Chengdu, Lhasa, Urumqi, Guangzhou and Kowloon.
Add: Yongdingmenwai Dajie, Chongwen District (The new Beijing South Station, reportedly the largest in Asia)
Tel: 51867999
The trains departing from Beijing South Railway Station: serving as the terminus for high-speed trains to the city - Tianjin, Jinan, Shanghai, Qingdao and other cities, which which can reach speeds above 350 km/h.
Add: Xizhimen, Xicheng District
Tel: 51866223
The trains departing from Beijing North Railway Station: offering regular intercity train services to the north and northwest, including the Huhhot-Manzhouli Grasslands Express (K274/K275/K277). It is also the southern terminus for the S2 Line of from the down Beijing to Badaling Great Wall and to Yanqing.
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