1、 | 如何進行旅遊咨詢或預定旅遊服務項目? |
1) | 您可以將您的需求或訂單發mail到[email protected],請在訂單中注明:旅遊行程編號,出發日期、您在北京所住飯店名稱、姓名及國籍。我們會在24小時內給您回複確認(星期日除外)。如果網上的旅遊行程不能滿足您的要求,請把您的要求發給我們,我們會根據您的需求提供量身定制式服務,並在在24小時內給您回複確認。 |
2) | 您可以撥打公司電話10-67160201轉1006, 1007(09:00-18:00) |
3) | 您可以直接到我公司旅遊咨詢或預定。公司地址:北京東城區廣渠門南小街領行國際1號樓20層 |
2、 | 如何付款? |
預定了我公司的旅遊服務項目,請按以下幾個方式來付款: | |
1) | 現金支付方式(cash payment upon arrival in Beijing): |
A | 現付方式主要適用于金額小的服務項目。如:北京一日大巴遊等。爲方便起見,費用往往由導遊或司機代收。 |
B | 有也適用于現付尾款:客人事先付一部分旅費,到北京後再用現金支付旅費的余額。溫馨小提示:不建議客人用現金支付USD200以上的余款或正常旅費,建議改用信用卡支付。 |
2) | 使用信用卡到北京我公司現付旅費(Card payment upon arrival in Beijing): |
A | 使用信用卡Visa, Master ect.現付全額旅費。 |
B | 有也適用于現付尾款:客人事先付一部分旅費,到北京後再用信用卡支付旅費的余額。 |
3) | 到達北京之前使用信用卡在線支付(Online card payment prior to your arrival in Beijing): |
A | 信用卡在線支付全額旅費。客人提供信用卡的個人信息:卡號,有效期,持卡人信息。我公司利用本地支付機構在線支付。 |
B | 信用卡在線支付部分旅費。客人提供信用卡的個人信息:卡號,有效期,持卡人信息。我公司利用本地支付機構在線支付。余額旅費到北京後支付。 溫馨小提示:在線支付旅費金額超過USD2000以上,請您給公司傳真您的信用卡支付授權書。請傳真至:86 10 67160120。謝謝合作! |
4) | 電彙旅費 (TT the money): |
A | 電彙部分旅費。 |
B | 電彙全額旅費 |
備注: 1. 關于我公司彙款帳戶信息,請聯系我公司業務。 2. 本網站上所有報價有效期爲: 2013年1月至2013年12月 |
如果您臨時取消預定, 您將支付相應的取消損失費, 具體損失費的金額, 請仔細浏覽以下條款明細:
Period before departure when cancellation is notified | Cancellation fee |
30 days before your tour starting in China | Deposit refundable |
Between 15-30 days | 20% of total package price |
Between 8-14 days | 30% of total package price |
Between 2-7 days | 50% of total package price |
Within 48 hours | 100% of total package price |
4、北京萬域國旅免責條款 (Disclaimer ):
Beijing Xinhua International Tours purchases air and ground transportation, hotel, restaurant and other travel services from independent suppliers that are not subject to its control. Therefore Beijing Xinhua International Tours Corporation Ltd will be exempt from any liabilities for death, injury, baggage loss and damage or any other loss that may occur due to any act or omission of such suppliers.
北京萬域國旅已投保旅行社責任險.旅行社責任險是指保險公司對旅行社在從事旅遊業務經營活動中,因旅行社的疏忽或過失,造成其接待的境內外旅遊者遭受經濟損失而應由旅行社承擔的責任,轉由保險公司承擔賠償保險金責任的行爲。而當意外的發生與旅行社沒有關系時,遊客就不能得到這種旅行社責任險的任何保障。 旅行社責任險和旅遊意外保險是不同的。旅行社責任險屬于責任保險範疇,而遊客自身購買的旅行保險屬于個人意外傷害保險,兩者的承保對象和責任範圍完全不同。千萬不能認爲買了旅行社責任險就能包攬一切。實際上,“旅行社責任險”主要針對由旅行社責任造成的遊客損失與傷害進行賠償,而由不可抗力,如地震、海嘯等自然災害帶來的遊客人身與財産損失,均不在其責任範圍之內。旅遊者在旅遊行程中,由疾病引起的各種損失或損害、由于旅遊者個人過失導致的人身傷亡和財産損失以及由此導致的各種費用等,也都不在“旅行社責任險”的賠付範圍之內。
Beijing Xinhua InternationalTours ( tour-beijing.com ) offers their clients the travel agency'liability insurance. The travel agency liability insurance refers to the compensation offered to the travel agency by the insurance company because of travel agency's negligence or the error. The travel agency liability insurance and the traveling accident insurance ( personal insurance ) are different. The travel agency liability insurance belongs to the liability insurance category, but the tourist own persoanl travel insurance belongs to individual accident insurance.“the travel agency liability insurance” mainly aims at the tourist loss and the injury caused by the travel agency responsibility, except by the force majeure, like the earthquake, the Tsunami and so on natural disaster bringing damage to tourist person and property, damage, which are not in its responsibility scope. A tourist suffering from the loss or the harm caused by disease, or the tourist individual error, is also not in “travel agency liability insurance” in payment scope.
個人購買的旅行保險與旅行社責任險不同。 個人投保的旅遊意外險只要是合同約定的保險事故,無論是由于旅行社的責任、個人過失,還是由于他各類突發事件,客戶都可以獲得保障。所以遊客必須提高自我保護意識,在參團外出旅行時,一定要申請投保人身意外險。如果您想委托北京旅遊網在北京當地給您代爲投保旅遊意外險,請您提前告知北京旅遊網,保費自理。謝謝合作!
We suggests you purchase your personal accident insurance from your native country before you leave for China. The individual purchased travel insurance is different from the travel agency liability insurance we offer to you. So long as individual insurance's traveling accident insurance is the contract about insurance risk, regardless of as a result of travel agency's responsibility, individual error. Therefore the tourist must protects oneself to apply for personal accident insurance. If you want to entrust Beijing Xinhua International Tours to purchase your traveling accident insurance in Beijing for you, please inform us well in advance. Please pay the the insurance premium by yourself. Thanks for your cooperation!
Itinerary Deviationsto the planned itinerary may occur due to weather, traffic, or any other conditions beyond our control such as strike, acts of God, war, fire, acts of government, riot, etc. We will make our best to insure all the visits and excursions will be similar. Beijing Xinhua International Tours can substitute the itinerary upon the agreement of our clients.
The Hotels listed will be used in most circumstances. When the predefined hotels are not available, Beijing Xinhua International Tours can substitute hotels of the same class and standard upon the agreement of our clients.
The vehicles for the ground transportation should be in good condition with A/C. All restaurants should be appointed by local authorities of tourism bureau.
All guides must be licensed, with 4-year college degree and minimum 2-year experience.
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