Mengniu Dairy
Mengniu Dairy is a short form of its formal name - China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited. It is a manufacturing and distribution company of dairy products and ice cream in based in Inner Mongolia with its headquarters in Hohhot.
Mengniu literally means "Mongolian Cow". Mengniu's main products include liquid milk products, ice cream and other dairy products, such as milk powder and milk tablets.
Mengniu Dariy was started in 1999. Its owner and founder is Mr Niu Gensheng, a former employee of Yili, another Inner Mongolian dairy giant which is now Mengniu's largest competitor.
In 2006, Mengniu Dairy established a business tie with with Arla Foods, the largest producer of dairy products in Scandinavia, to produce and distribute solid milk products in China. Mengniu Dairy holds 50 percent of the venture, while Arla Foods takes 48 percent. The joint venture company is named Mengniu Arla.
In July 2009, Mengniu sold a 20% stake to a consortium led by state-owned China National Oils, Foodstuffs and Cereals Corp, China's largest importer and exporter of food.
Its headquaters is located Helinger County , 40km south of Hohhot.

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