Ancient Town of Xitang
Xitang is ancient town with a feel all of its own, the main difference between Xitang and other old towns is that it still maintains its original architecture and natural beauty. Knowing among domestic tourists as the 'living millennia old town', Xitang is nationally renowned for its cobblestone streets and mud-brick houses. Having already acquired its status as a AAAA tourist destination Xitang comes highly recommended. As the birthplace of the Wu and Yue Kingdoms, Xitang offers a rich cultural experience as well as an array of spectacular lakes and river scenery.The bridges of Xitang have become particularly iconic for their unique architectural style which was regarding as highly advanced for the era in which they were built. As a city on a river, the sound of wooden oars rowing gentle against passive water on a still morning is common especially throughout the old part of the city.
Xitang prides itself on being a community first and a tourist destination second; located in the river valley south of the Yangzi River Xitang has a rich and long culture heritage and has become a holy place for artists to portray the water town south of the Yangtze. The lower reaches of the Yangzi have always fascinated tourists for its mix spectacular vistas and distinctive culture. The unique nature of Xitang certainly makes it a desirable travel destination for tourists in China.

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