Deqin, Yunan, Lijiang
Deqin is to the very north of Yunnan on the borders o Tibet to the west, Sichuan to the east and Myanmar to the southwest. At an altitude of 3,550m, Deqin is a small Tibetan town and the administrative center for the remote region, 80% of its inhabitants are Tibetan.
Snow mountains stretch around the area, and the highest peak stands erectly in Deqin. Far-flung grassland, luxuriant virgin forest as well as star-studded lakes make the Deqin area supernatural and sequester.
The border of Deqin is closed to foreigners and the only reason for coming to Deqin is to admire the grand Meili Snow Mt. (Kawamkarpo) and to feel its Shangri-la mystique. If you can deal with the altitude it makes a great place to hike from. If you can’t then just hanging out in town is also very rewarding.

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