The real time Beijing Weather Photos help you feel Beijing prior to your Beijing tour.
Temperature: 32℃ – 25℃
PM-10: 59
Humidity: 63%
Wind: Gentle Breeze
Sunrise: 05:23 am
Sunset: 19:16 pm
Historical Data: Historical Weather Data for August in Beijing
The Photo taken time: 9:12 am
Place: Dongbianmen, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 11:02 am
Place: Summer palace, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 12:13 pm
Place: Jiuxianqiao, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 13:23 pm
Place: Nanluoguxiang, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 15:42 pm
Place: Maizidian, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 16:08 pm
Place: Qianmen, Beijing