July 7 (Fri), 2023 Beijing Time UTC+8


Temperature: 37℃ – 23℃
PM-10: 41
Humidity: 24%
Wind: Moderate Breeze
Sunrise: 04:53 am
Sunset: 19:46 pm
Historical Data: Historical Weather Data for July in Beijing

The Photo taken time: 9:27 am
Place: Tonghuihe north road, Beijing

Tonghuihe north road, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 10:20 am
Place: Shunyi district, Beijing

Shunyi district, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 12:22 pm
Place: Dongba, Beijing

Dongba, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 14:10 pm
Place: Xinghuo west road, Beijing

Xinghuo west road, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 15:13 pm
Place: Olympic park, Beijing

Olympic park, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 16:31 pm
Place: Jiuxianqiao, Beijing

Jiuxianqiao, Beijing

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