The real time Beijing Weather Photos help you feel Beijing prior to your Beijing tour.
Drizzle – Overcast
Temperature: 27℃ – 14℃
PM-10: 73
Humidity: 86%
Wind: Light Air
Sunrise: 04:57 am
Sunset: 19:25 pm
Historical Data: Historical Weather Data for May Beijing
The Photo taken time: 8:09 am
Place: Yanshan street, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 9:29 am
Place: Yun Ju Temple, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 10:45 am
Place: China Railway Museum, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 11:58am
Place: Wangjing, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 12:40pm
Place: Beijing Garden Expo Garden
The Photo taken time: 13:22pm
Place: Huamao Square, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 14:09pm
Place: Financial Street, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 15:50pm
Place: Beijing WuZi University
The Photo taken time: 16:44pm
Place: CCTV office building, Beijing