November 13 (Sun), 2022 Beijing Time UTC+8

The real time Beijing Weather Photos help you feel Beijing prior to your Beijing tour.


Temperature: 9℃ – -1℃
PM-10: 22
Humidity: 47%
Wind: Light Breeze
Sunrise: 06:57 am
Sunset: 17:00 pm
Historical Data: Historical Weather Data for November in Beijing

The Photo taken time: 8:56 am
Place: Beihai park, Beijing

Beihai park, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 10:36 am
Place: Yuyuantan park, Beijing

Yuyuantan park, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 11:51 am
Place: Winter olympics park, Beijing

Winter olympics park, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 12:24 pm
Place: Outlets shopping mall, Beijing

Outlets shopping mall, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 15:57 pm
Place: Yuanmingyuan, Beijing

Yuanmingyuan, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 16:53 pm
Place: Forbidden city, Beijing

Forbidden city, Beijing

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