The real time Beijing Weather Photos help you feel Beijing prior to your Beijing tour.
Temperature: 12℃ – 0℃
PM-10: 56
Humidity: 40%
Wind: Light Breeze
Sunrise: 06:58 am
Sunset: 17:00 pm
Historical Data: Historical Weather Data for November in Beijing
The Photo taken time: 07:26 am
Place: Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 08:38 am
Place: Tian’anmen Rostrum, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 10:35 am
Place: Yuyuantan Park, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 13:00 pm
Place: Summer Palace, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 15:34 pm
Place: Xizongbu Hutong, Beijing
The Photo taken time: 16:12 pm
Place: Yuanmingyuan, Beijing