September 15 (Fri), 2023 Beijing Time UTC+8


Temperature: 28℃ – 16℃
PM-10: 85
Humidity: 49%
Wind: Gentle Breeze
Sunrise: 05:55 am
Sunset: 18:25 pm
Historical Data: Historical Weather Data for September in Beijing

The Photo taken time: 9:57 am
Place: Beihai park, Beijing

Beihai park, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 10:55 am
Place: Huanghuacheng Great Wall, Beijing

Huanghuacheng Great Wall, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 11:12 am
Place: Tongzhou district, Beijing

Tongzhou district, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 13:16 pm
Place: Qinghua university, Beijing

Qinghua university, Beijing


The Photo taken time: 16:06 pm
Place: Guomao, Beijing

Guomao, Beijing

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