Shanghai Luchao Harbor

Situated on the convex bank of the seaside in Nanhui Country, connected with the mouth of Yangtze River in north, Luchao Harbor is the access for all the ships to Yangtze River. It is called Cape Hope in the Western Pacific for its deep and calm. Jinjiang Peach Garden, Xishan Resort Village and World Peach Fairyland Resort Center are in the northern part of the harbor and in the east is Hope Cape Resort Village as well as Asia East Garden in the west. Along the Eastern Coastline, A Safari Park will come into being. With the center of Luchao Harbor, Putuoshan Island, Shengsi Island and Zhoushan Island will develop into a unique tour circle to become the Back Garden of Shanghai that is rich in the scenic spots along the line of the cost of China East such as Shanghai Safari Park, Bayulan Resort Village and so on.
Luchao Harbor features pleasant climate, clear air, clean circumstance, Gold coast, thick forest, etc. It also offers perfect tour establishment such as Luchao Harbor Grand Cabaret, Hangzhou Bay Entertainment Center and so on.