Hohhot, I'm coming again
It is my third time to visit Hohhot. Of course, great change has taken place in this green city. Most of the streets are very wide and clean. But the driver tells me a funny story of the only overpass in the center of the city. This overpass has caused some bottle neck in the main road. People sircastically say it is not an overpass, it oly adds the slope in the down town area!

The funny overpass over the busy cross roads

The group having dinner

Our lodging hotel - Jingjiang International Hotel ( 5 star )

The night snack stall

One of the main roads in Hohhot - Zhongshan Road

The largest public square - Xinhua Square at midnight

The time-honored 4 star hotel - Zhaojun Hotel by the Xinhua Road
Jingjiang International Hotel in Hohhot offers very good buffet breakfast. The restaurant is big, clean, elegantly decorated. It provides a great variety of food.

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