Datong Railway Station
Travel to Datong by train is a preferred way of transportation used by many visitors who want to make a fast side trip to Yungang Grottoes and Hanging Temple in Datong from Beijing, Hohhot, Xian or from Taiyuan and Pingyao. Over a dozen of trains ( daytime or night trains ) from Beijing to Datong, the train ride takes about 5-6 hours, 374km, soft berth RMB 159, no high-speed trains yet, mainly due to the numerous channels through the rugged mountains lying between Beijing and Datong.
Beijing - Datong K3 (08:05 - 14:14), Beijing West K615 (14:40:21:48), Beijing - Datong 2602 (23:42 - next morning 06:03) ; Xian - Datong 2672 (22:48 - 15:19), 16 1/2 hours, rmb 223 soft; Hohhot - Datong K44 (09:16 - 13:32), K712 (11:23 - 15:51), K598 (18:22 - 22:52), over 4 hours, rmb 142, soft; Taiyuan - Datong K7802 (08:56 - 14:39), K892 (16:45 - 22:52), around 6 hours, rmb 150 soft; Pingyao - Datong 2604 (13:15 - 21:16), 8 hours, rmb 187 soft.
The main trains starting from Datong to the major destinations including Beijing, Hohhot, Taiyuan, Pingyao and Xian. Datong - Beijing K4 (08:11 - 14:04), K44 (13:40 - 19:39);Datong - Hohhot K710 (08:56 - 13;20), K23(17:36 - 21:47; Datong - Taiyuan K7807 (07:45 - 13:25), K7801 (15:21 - 20:56); Datong - Pingyao K7807 (07:45 - 15:06); Datong - Xian 2671 (16:40 - 09:06).
Located in the north of Datong City, Datong Railway Station is about 3 km from the city center. Originally built in 1914, Datong Railway Station has now become a very important railway hub connecting over 20 cities in China mainly due to the fast development of the local coal industry.
The transportation at Datong Railway Station is quite convenient with plentiful choices of buses and many waiting taxis. You may take the bus from Datong Railway Sation directly to Yungang Grottoes or Hanging Temple. You may also rent a taxi by bargaining with a local taxi driver for a day trip to Hanging Temple or Yungang Grottoes.
A 10 yuan taxi ride can bring you from Datong Railway Station to your downtown hotel in Datong.

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