Wuhan Shopping
The commercial indudstry in Wuan has long been well-known throughout the country. Just like other cities in China, the Wuhan commercial industry is flourishing with shopping malls and centers. The whole city is mainly divided into three pars including Hankou, Wuchang, and Hanyang. Hankou is the most flourishing, known as the shopping paradise. Some shoppping streets are worth strolling, such as Hanjiang Walking Street, Cultural Street in Xianggang Lu, Hanzheng Street and so on.Specialities
Turquoise means "Turkish stone". The Sky blue to bluish green Turquoise is porous,so contact with liquids, oils or even perspiration should be avoided. Jewelry made with turquoise should be removed before washing hands, etc.. The pure blue color is rare, most stones contain the matrix from which it was found. Although the stones without matrix are rarer and more valuable, many people find the black matrix attractive, and makes the stone unique.
Gao Hongtai Copper Gong
The gong is the traditional product of the Wuhan Gong Factory with a history of 70 years. They made a grand gong with diametre of 135 cm for the German Berlin Symphony Orchestra in 1979.In 1995 the German Hungrica Symphony Orchestra especially visited the factory while they played in Wuhan, and ordered more than ten percussion instruments and a grand Gao Hongtai Gong.
Lusong Jade Sculpture
Lusong Jade is a rare jade shaped like green nuts. The best one is “Yungai Jade” mined from YunCounty in Hubei. The elegant articals sculptured by Yungai Jade by Wuhan Jade Sculpture Workshop is a kind of special antiques
Silk Flower
Wuhan Silk Flowe is vivide, noted for its natural color and exquisite sculpt. The tradtional artist presents you flower sea inculding peotry, rose, China rose, calys canthus and many wild flowers.
Shopping Places
Hanzheng Street
Hanzheng Street has the strongest appeal with travels. As early as the Ming Dynasty several hundred years ago, this was regarded as a vitally important destination where peasants and tradesmen could exchange goods. Today, this place is one of the major wholesale centers in the country. All kinds of gadgets can be bought from here and this is a really atmospheric spot too. Watch out though! Wuhan residents are considered to be some of the shrewdest people in China.
Jianghan Pedestrian Street
Jianghan Pedestrian Street is a street of more than 100 years, situated in the center of Hankou city. It is 1,210 meters long, about 177 meters longer than Nanjiang Road in Shanghai. It is also home to some intersting strores and halls and some of the smalleer buildings around here have maintained their colonial style.

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