Jianzha Travel Guide
Location: Jianzha County is in the southeast of Qinghai Province, along the Yellow River valley area.
Area: with an area of 1,712 square kilometers
Nationalities: Tibetan takes up a proportion of 67%.
Climate: Jianzha is part of Qinghai Tibet Plateau Special Climate Zone with Plateau Continental Climate. Its annual average temperature is 7.8℃. The extreme high temperature was once up to 34.1℃ and the extreme low temperature was -19.8℃. The annual sunshine hours are 4432 and annual mean precipitation is 350-400mm.
Food: Fried Sheep Face, Yoghourt
Attraction: Kanbula National Forest Park-Kanbula Forest Park is situated at the altitude of 2100-4000 meters over the sea degree. With an area of 4,774 hectares, Kanbula National Forest Park is composed of steep peaks, mesas, caves and cliffs. There are eighteen perilous peaks in the Kanbula Region.
Two of them, the A’qiongnanzong and the Neibaozong, are the most famous. The A’qiongnanzong is surrounded by steep cliffs. There is only one path with stone steps, through which people can get to the top of the peak. The major portion of the path is cut out of the cliffs. At the top of the peak stand an ancient Buddhist temple and several small caves. Many Buddha statues are displayed in the caves.

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